
What is working with gis like? ? is it boring?

by  |  earlier

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are they on the computer most of the time for that job? what exactly do they do




  1. GIS has many facets. Yes the work is mostly on a computer, but it could be as simple as creating data and making maps from it, to analysis and geo-statistical evaluations as input to decision making processes (such as planning, environmental protection, site selection, etc). Analysis and decision support is a lot of fun. It really depends on the job. GIS is used in so many areas, that it is impossible to categorize. It's not like Data Entry, where all you can do is fat finger in data. Now, that's boring!

    I recommend exploring some GIS websites to see the range of applications (not software per se but applications of GIS software). You can start here: (it is vendor specific, but it should give you a good idea).

  2. Geographic information science is interesting but yes it largely involves computer models.  They will mostly be creating digital maps for environmental reporting or physical analysis.

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