
What is worse, using steroids/drugs, or fielding underage athletes?

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They are both bad and illegal. But which is worse, which is more unfair?




  1. Steroids!!

  2. Who cares about that stuff. What is worse is that thousands of dogs and cats were 'cleaned' of the city in preparation for the games.

    What a tragedy that helpless animals have to give their life just so a few individuals can show off their athletic prowess.

  3. Drugs unnaturally enhance the performance and ability of the athlete, it is worse.  Underage is against the rules, but still competing with one's natural ability, although how big the advantage is i'm not sure, i just heard that for gymnastics, the kids have a little more flexibility.

  4. Using drugs is worse and more unfair because it provides an unfair and unnatural advantage. Underage athletes aren't as bad because if they can beat people older than them then they deserve the medal fair and square since they're using their natural abilities, I don't even understand why there's an age limit on any of the sports (although I definitely don't condone of cheating and breaking the rule!).

  5. steroids hard.... its not natural

  6. both are bad. The only difference is the Chinese gov covered it up which means they knew they cheated. If an athlete cheats on his or her own its bad but if your gov help's them cheat well that allot different. we put the same spot light on are players stop whining cause your wrong

  7. Steroids.

  8. I think cheating is cheating.  It doesn't matter how you do it.  If you cheat you should be disqualified.

    That said, both using underage gymnasts and drugs hurt the body in one way or another.  With drugs they may become addicted and ruin their health and body. Pushing a young underdeveloped body to extremes could hurt their health and body as well.  So, in a way I think that they are equal.

    (Kind of sounds like a cop out answer, but I just can't see the difference.)

  9. I think underage athletes, because it puts a minor in stressful, intense and potentially dangerous situations. Children, not matter how good they can perform are vulnerable and should not be subjected to a highly competitive, adult environment.

    If you use drugs as an adult, you cheat yourself, team mates and country. Using drugs is the athlete’s choice.

  10. They are equally bad.  

  11. In my opinion using the drugs. The athletes may be underage which is against the rules but at least they are performing with their natural abilities and not using enhancement drugs. Both suck though.  

  12. drugs

  13. under age girls

  14. What about payed off judges?

  15. American Jones


  16. Steroids definitely

  17. McDonalds BigMacs!

  18. steroids hands down

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