
What is worse? addiction to alcohol or to smoking?

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What is worse? addiction to alcohol or to smoking?




  1. Any addiction is as bad as any other because that "thing" distorts your view of reality and ability to lead a healthy, balanced, productive life.

    Alcohol and smoking are both proven to be really damaging to physical health, and if you're talking about smoking drugs, they can both be considered as damaging to your mental health too.

  2. Alcohol. It changes your personality and not in a good way. Not to mention people can actually die from alcohol withdraw when they are ready to quit.  

  3. Alcohol addiction is far, far worse, because it will cost you your job and family and possibly put you on skid row before it kills you.

  4. they are bad in different ways

  5. Worse to overcome?  Depends on what your drug of choice is.  I quit drinking at 24 but didn't quit smoking until I was 34.  It was so much harder.  As far which is worse health-wise, they're both bad, but bad in different ways.  Personally i think cigarettes are worse.

  6. The addiction to anything is the bad. But alcohol may corrupt your system quicker. And it also is a depressant which effects your mood and ability to function with the world. Smoking gives you bad breath and may cause you to be sick. So Alcohol is the worst. But I like it.  

  7. Smoking addiction can be very serious. Many everyday people have lost jobs, and loved ones because they could not beat thier smoking habits. I suggest you seek some help. Here is a site that has addiction information and a directory of addiction treatment clinics so you can help.

    Good Luck

  8. smoking. because it affects others also

  9. They'll both kill you, alcohol kills faster.  

    And no one was ever arrested for driving under the influence of nicotine.

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