
What is worse? wasting water or wasting paper?

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What is worse? wasting water or wasting paper?




  1. Depends where you get your water from.   I have a spring that runs constantly wether I use it or not.   If I were living somewhere where it had to be trucked in, that would be different.

  2. You don't want to waste either... Water can be used for many things and paper can also be used for many things. It is probably worse to waste water.

  3. wasting water is worse as it's difficult and costly to recycle water than paper.that's simple rate me as best answerer

  4. It's like saying what's worse, not having the hen or not having the egg? Paper comes from trees, which need water to survive -- so both are dependent on each other.

  5. It's definitely worse for the environment and everything in it to waste water.  Practically everything on earth relies on water to survive.  Though paper is a lot easier to recycle, water is the beginning of and sustaining factor in life.

    But the best way to stop wasting paper is to recycle it.  In my house, I have three bins by my back door.  One for trash, one for metals and plastics and one for paper.  The trash mostly consists of garbage and unrecyclable plastics.

    Out of those three bins, the one that fills up the fastest is paper.  Mainly because of junk mail, newspapers, shredded personal documents, etc.  But I would say paper is the easiest thing to recycle because you don't have to look for the #1 or #2 - pretty much anything made of paper or cardboard can be recycled.  8D

  6. "wasting water is worse as it's difficult and costly to recycle water than paper"

    Actually, water is very easy and cheap to recycle.  Paper is not.  Water usually only needs to be screened, oxygenated, and settled.  After that, it is fit to enter a drinking water treatment plant, same as a river or stream.

  7. wasting paper.

    because the world will awalys have water, forever.

    but with the tress and the paper it might not last forever.

  8. Both are precious resources, so you don't really have a choice. Wasting water might worse because we need water to drink. Paper is nothing but a writing tool. But if we do continue wasting paper, we will cut down trees, we won't have oxygen to breathe. Any way you look at it. There is not worse out of the two. Both are equal, and both are equally dangerous...

  9. All wasting is a bad action.

    can we begin to be less wastful so others can have what we have been taking? There are creatures here that need the water and the trees more than we humans do, especially if we ae 'wasting them.'

  10. It is worse to waste water because water is necessecary to live and trees HELP us live. The paper is already made while the water is priceless(for a price).

  11. Wasting paper wastes not only the paper itself, but also the resources which went into making the paper.  This includes water, trees, and fuel, not to mention the pollution created in the process.  Both are bad, but paper is worse.  How about not wasting either?

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