
What is worse weed or ciggs?

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Is weed really that bad? I heard its a natural plant so its not that bad for you.




  1. k so tobacco is radioactive cannabis is not. tobbaco addicting cannabis is not. tobacco cause cancer and kills and  cannabis well whens the last time u heard some one die with cannabis or getting cancer. so .......

    the biggest people don't realize about tobacco and cannabis is that they both have one different chemical that change so much about each other nicotine and THC.

  2. any drug inhaled can cause lung damage. however, ciggarettes contain something close to 100 other chemicals that make one addicted, and kill you slowly so you continue to buy the product for a long time-- what a sick idea. marijuana is looked down upon in our society, but does definitely have some medicinal purposes (appetite stimulation leading to weight gain in cancer and AIDS patients, esp.)

  3. WEED----it's not just bad can be disastrous especially if you have any mental problems or are a bit on the slow side as it will make you slower and not just when you are using. Lots of plants are natural and very poisonous if you ingest. Ciggs are bad but at least the effects are well documented whereas with weed we do not know all the facts as it has not been in use for as long as ciggs nor used by so many.

  4. the act of smoking anything is very unhealthy. Eat marijuana cookies or brownies.

  5. yeah, weed is pretty harmless

  6. WEED IS NOT BAD. i mean how many people have you heard dieing from pot compared to people dieing from cigarettes....question solved. it is non-addictive and does no harm to your body unlike cigarettes. you cannot overdose or die on pot, you would pass out and fall asleep before ODing (its physically impossible!!!!) ciggs give you bad breath, yellow teath, and cancer and even more, and weed does not.

  7. I thinks cigs are worse because there so many bad chemicals it them.

    While weed produces more tar or resin, you smoke much, much less of it than you would with cigarettes.

  8. ciggs.for a lot of reasons.

    with weed all  you do is get high.maybe get in a little bit of trouble.but i mean people do that when they're drunk and they don't say beer is illegal (i know they've tried).

    plus weed is used to treat gluacoma (spelling???).

    and its harder to get addicted to.

    where ciggs cause lung cancer. and are very easy to get addicted to.

    PLUS! the only reason weed is illegal is because the government gets more money taking it away from people then they do selling it.

    and thats a fact.


  10. drinking bleach is worse

    trust me on this one i know...

  11. ciggs

  12. Its addictive and it kills, dont do it, ciggies are not much better but they both can cause cancer i think.People do it once get brainwashed and believe its not bad...Legal in cali and is used in some medical conditions suych as incurable dieases

  13. Cigarettes are by far worse and shouldn't even be compared to weed. cigarettes killed over 438,000 ppl last year. cannabis killed 0. its been proven that cigarettes cause lung cancer and emphysema.

    Smoking is also a major cause of heart disease, aneurysms, bronchitis, emphysema, and stroke, and it makes pneumonia and asthma worse.

    Using tobacco can also damage a woman's reproductive health. Tobacco use is linked with reduced fertility and a higher risk of miscarriage, early delivery (premature birth), stillbirth, infant death, and is a cause of low birth-weight in infants. It has also been linked to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

    Smoking has also been linked to other health problems, including gum disease, cataracts, bone thinning, hip fractures, and peptic ulcers. It is also linked to macular degeneration, an eye disease that can cause blindness.

    Things that Cannabis has done: relieve stress, anxiety, depression, stimulate appetite in cancer and aids patients. it also relieves glaucoma and in some cases even stops the progression of it. it has also cured some ppls breast cancer, lung cancer, and leukemia. it also gets rid of nausea and relieves pain from M.S.

  14. getting hit by a semi is worse than both.  It shortens your life by a lot more than either of those.

  15. Tobacco and Marijuana are both types of plants.

    Opiates (heroin, opium, etc) are derived from poppies -- a plant.  Peyote (a hallucinogenic) is a type of cactus!

    Just because something is "all natural" does not make it good for you.


    Tobacco vs. Marijuana?

    Tobacco is worse.  It contains nicotine which is highly addictive.  Also, big business cigarette companies have made their products more addictive than natural tobacco by adding harsh chemicals.

    Also, smoking tobacco is extremely detrimental to your body.   It can lead to premature aging, cancer, and emphysema (just to name just a few).

    Marijuana is not physically addictive and you do not have to smoke it to enjoy its properties.  It does, however, have more effect on your state of mind than tobacco does.  This may be a more or less desired trait.

    P.S. As a smoker myself, I recommend that you do NOT start unless you want to spend the rest of your life trying to quit.

  16. Tobacco is worse.

    Weed can be used for medicine in some cases

  17. no weed is good for you in moderation apart from the fact you are smoking it weed doesn't kill brain cells its proven but it can lower motivation etc  exercises learning -

    tobacco can ruin lives so badly people depend on tobacco it is highly addictive as well

  18. Cigs are considered worse, as they are highly addictive and lead to many health problems(but what doesnt).

    Weed is natural, but from experiences with others, people can get a dependancy for it, not saying they are pyshically addicted, but they do seem to always want to be stoned, as they think they will enjoy the situation so much more.

    People who smoke pot also tend  to hang out with people who smoke pot, so this could cause issues with your social life.

    At the same time, Cigs do not impair your driving skills.

  19. ciggs have cow farts in them (methane) and so many bad chemicals.

    Pot has never been proven to cause any form of lung cancer..per UCLA in Calif. !!!!

    Look at  this

  20. Cigarettes are bad! But weed can be too! They are putting all sorts of chemicals on it to get your higher than a kite! Don't try something if you are not doing it! Mind over matter!

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