
What is worth more, lab created rubies or natural rubies?

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I was at the jewlery store the other day and I was wondering what was worth more, the "lab created" ruby or the natural ruby that is from the earth?




  1. Natural rubies sell for considerably higher prices, in spite of the fact that they are visually inferior to the artificial ones, which are nearly perfect. My wife has a pair of synthetic sapphire earrings with double stars (done on purpose.) They are gorgeous and cost very little.

  2. It’s mineral corundum with color red. One of the most valued gemstone available. Normally it’s available in dark tone of red & some times in violet – red. However according to me natural rubies are more expensive then lab created once. Simply because natural rubies are very rare and exclusive.

    B2C Jewels

  3. Since you were in a jewelry store, I assume you are talking about jewelry grade stones. There are very expensive lab-made ruby crystals and very cheap natural rubies that have a lot of flaws and impurities. If two rubies are otherwise identical, the natural one is more expensive, because there is only a certain amount of natural ruby and so it has a rarity value. Synthetics can be made in any amount, and the process of making them keeps getting better and cheaper.

  4. Natural rubies are worth more if the ruby hasn't been treated AND it is in great condition. There is lots of different types of treatments but the most common is heat.

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