
What is wromg with the people of Zimbabwe?

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President Mugabe has ruined Zimbabwe. He has caused inflation to escalate and the life expectancy for adult males in that country is now 37.

So why don't the people of Zimbabwe do something about it?

Why don't they just vote him out? I feel sorry for the children of Zimbabwe but, in the end, you get what you ask for. If the adults in Zimbabwe can't be bothered to vote Mugabe out of office then they only have themselves to blame for the mess they are in.




  1. They are the VICTIMS of a terrible Dictator, They were FORCED to VOTE AT GUNPOINT! Get the FACTS before voicing an ignorant opinion.

  2. European colonisation ruined the people and the land.

  3. They can't really vote him out or do anything for that matterwhen the police and military are stopping people from fleein to South Africa. Its a crazy situation there right now, and hope they can somehow solve the crisis sooner than later.

  4. Marlane wrote:

    "South Africa once was governed by whites. They were in control for about as long as white people have controlled the USA. But they faced racial unrest, civil uprisings and the white people who governed the country with fair laws and equality for all colours were cast out of leadership roles by the blacks...."

    Marlane definitely lives in a delusional world. So according to her apartheid was a fair and free system for people of all colours..., including the killing of blacks in Soweto and elsewhere in South Africa? The blacks were denied South African citizenship and had to be citizens of unrecognised inner enclaves deprived of any natural or mineral reserves.

    The problem probably lies with people like you who think that oppression is OK as long as it's perpetrated by white people on black people but the reverse is the most despicable crime.

    If what you really worry about is the number of lives lost then why not start with Sudan, northern Uganda or Iraq. The state of Racism in Europe against "visibly foreign" immigrants ( far outranks that against whites in Zimbabwe, despite, the wealth or land ownership of these "foreigners" in Europe representing a tiny fraction of that of native Europeans. In Zimbabwe whites controlled over 45% of the land despite being under 2.5% of the population, thanks in part to 1930 legislation that barred blacks from owning land in Zimbabwe. This state of affairs hadn't changed by 1980 when the country gained independence.

    The land was grabbed because Tony Blair cancelled an agreement whereby the British government was to compensate/buy land from the white farmers that the Zimbabwean government would then give back to the original black owners. Let's not forget that this land was forcefully grabbed from their black ancestors by the British colonial forces...

    Every wants Mugabe out but they worry that it will reserve certain things like like the land redistribution decisions...

  5. They can't do anything about it.

    Opposition to Mugabe is harassed or imprisoned, and their economy is in total collapse. People are fleeing in order to eat.

    Mugabe owns the police, the military, the legislature and the courts. Opponents are imprisoned or forced to flee.

    The only thing that can save Zimbabwe is if Mugabe and all his henchmen are eliminated.

  6. Because his men were going around breaking people's bones to make them vote for him.  He used tyranny to win the election.  I assume these people have no guns or way to protect themselves.

  7. africa has always been that way. revolution is the only way to spark change in an area like that but when the body is deprived food, and the people are beaten, women and children abused and raped and there is no money it is hard to find strenght to group.

    the fact is africa is probably the one nation that any other military needs to get into and debunk their countries to one government but there is no known oil we want. as for the inflation, it sounds like what "our" president ahs done for us.......... maybe we should do seomthing about it.

  8. They live in a country run by a corrupt government and a greedy, cruel dictator.

    Open-mind up^ are one "closed-mind" ignorant, fool.  Marlane clearly has a link.  What she has written is from the link. The link takes you to a letter WRITTEN by someone who lived there. Do yourself a favor idiot, delusional, sheepdip...get an education and stop showing YOUR lack of it or common sense.

  9. Mugabe is a puppet to the Military, Mugabe is 83 years old, Most people die around that age, I give him 3 years tops!

  10. People that had nothing don't miss stuff they never had.  The president of Zimbabwe is more like a dictator.  First he kills or arrests his opponents and then he forced people at gunpoint to vote for him.

  11. They did vote. But Mugabe rigged the election.

  12. South Africa once was governed by whites. They were in control for about as long as white people have controlled the USA.  But they faced racial unrest, civil uprisings and the white people who governed the country with fair laws and equality for all colors were cast out of leadership roles by the blacks.  The black leaders of Zimbabwe and Sierra Leone, once they had control, began ruling as dictators. Now the people of those countries are reaping the rewards of having voted in cruel, dictators who now rig votes and torture people as they try to reach voting places. It will be difficult for them to vote in a leader who will treat them humane now.  Now they wish the British leaders were back.

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