
What is wrong exactly?

by  |  earlier

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I have the following:

Soar throat


my stomach or insides hurt when i cough

Temp 99-102 off and on for last three days

Have to cough up mucus every 5 minutes

Now last night a little spot of blood every once in a while

( enough blood to make the mucus a pale brown color)


Burning up

What is it? Maybe just a really bad sinus infection? I go to the doctor in a hour! Do you think he will just give me a shot? Do shots in the rear hurt, because i have never had one? ( My aunt said that is probably what he would do, give me a shot in the rear and some meds)

Please help!

P.S. No telling me im going to die or anything!




  1. Your going to die =D

    [[jayyy kayy]]

    It does sound like Bronchitis.

    You may or may not have to get a blood test. Read on...


    Acute bronchitis most commonly occurs after an upper respiratory infection such as the common cold or a sinus infection. You may see symptoms such as fever with chills, muscle aches, nasal congestion, and sore throat.

        * Cough is a common symptom of bronchitis. The cough may be dry or may produce phlegm. Significant phlegm production suggests that the lower respiratory tract and the lung itself may be infected, and you may have pneumonia.

        * The cough may last for more than two weeks. Continued forceful coughing may make your chest and abdominal muscles sore. Coughing can be severe enough at times to injure the chest wall or even cause you to pass out.

        * Wheezing may occur because of the inflammation of the airways. This may leave you short of breath.

    Exams and Tests:

    Doctors diagnose bronchitis generally on the basis of symptoms and a physical examination.

        * Usually no blood tests are necessary.

        * If the doctor suspects the patient has pneumonia, a chest x-ray may be ordered.

        * Doctors may measure the patient's oxygen saturation (how well oxygen is reaching blood cells) using a sensor placed on a finger.

        * Sometimes a doctor may order an examination and/or culture of a sample of phlegm coughed up to look for bacteria.


    Self-Care at Home

        * By far, the majority of cases of bronchitis stem from viral infections. This means that most cases of bronchitis are short–term and require nothing more than treatment of symptoms to relieve discomfort.

        * Antibiotics will not cure a viral illness.

              o Experts in in the field of infectious disease have been warning for years that overuse of antibiotics is allowing many bacteria to become resistant to the antibiotics available.

              o Doctors often prescribe antibiotics because they feel pressured by people's expectations to receive them. This expectation has been fueled by both misinformation in the media and marketing by drug companies. Don't expect to receive a prescription for an antibiotic if your infection is caused by a virus.

        * Acetaminophen (Feverall, Panadol, Tylenol), aspirin, or ibuprofen (Motrin, Nuprin, Advil) will help with fever and muscle aches.

        * Drinking fluids is very important because fever causes the body to lose fluid faster. Lung secretions will be thinner and easier to clear when the patient is well hydrated.

        * A cool mist vaporizer or humidifier can help decrease bronchial irritation.

        * An over-the-counter cough suppressant may be helpful. Preparations with guaifenesin (Robitussin, Breonesin, Mucinex) will loosen secretions; dextromethorphan-the "DM" in most over the counter medications (Benylin, Pertussin, Trocal, Vicks 44) suppresses cough.

    Good Luck (:


  2. I thought bronchiititis, but I'm no doctor, you'll probably get some kind of pill to take, not a shot.
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