
What is wrong when a Lovebird poops blood?

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my bird is is pooping blood and we need to know




  1. It doesn't matter what happened, what matters is that you're taking this bird to the vet immediately. Bloody p**p from a bird is NOT normal. It could be anything from an internal injury, to a list of numerous diseases, to eating something toxic, to an impaction, to who knows... Usually by the time you see a bird bleeding, or notice it's obviously not feeling well, it's late in the disease or injury, and you need to rush to an avian vet immediately.

  2. Your bird needs to be seen by an avian vet.  Blood in the droppings could be caused by any number of things including bacterial infection, Chlamydia, viral infection, parasites, metabolic reasons, toxins, physical reasons (foreign bodies or cysts), or trauma.  Please get your bird to an avian vet as soon as you can.


  3. What you need to know first, is that little birds have a very small amount of blood. Each drop is precious and the bleeding needs to stop ASAP. A vet is the best, if not only, option.

    Your bird may have been fed a highly colored food to make it look red. If not he could have anything from E.coli to internal damage from a previous accident.

    Good Luck

  4. Your bird needs to see vet right away. there are two many things it could be to even list. Disease, eggbound, parasites list goes on and on. Please take dont wait any blood loss in birds is dangerous and can result in quick deaths.  

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