
What is wrong with Bill O'Reilly and Nancy Grace?

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They are clearly and even throughout their past very angry, and nasty people who blow up not only at other people but off-set too, and in horrid ways.

They act like they're possessed by demons. lol.

No but seriously, why do they act the way they do, like the biggest jerks on the planet?




  1. They are quite bitter.

    They can go blow each other.

  2. well nancy has stong opinions about current events. some situations like how the robotic cult- like house wives of the polygamy case would'nt answer any commont unless it was about the safty of the children need to have nancy's backhand of 2 cents. bill might just be on coke however. & as joal mc hale of the soup! says Nancy is the span of evil. ( i have yet to call nancy's # possiably cuz of what johl said.)

  3. Bill O' Reilly is nothing but an fat Irish drunk who has nothing better to do than waste airtime to talk trash and spew racist remarks.

    Nancy Grace, at least, shows concern and sympathy for Crime victims, and to the bleeding heart above, Katie S,   that was NOT judgmental, I suppose you and your mom would feel sorry for scum like Bin Laden when he is still the Most Wanted criminal in the world.

  4. nancy grace make the biggest deals out of the most stupid **** and then takes 5 minutes to cover the issues that actually matter.

  5. Bill O' sometimes rages for the cameras, to boost his ratings. He can be entertaining at times

    as for nancy grace, don't even get me started. biggest feminist bigot I've ever witnessed. You know she used more air time on degrading drew peterson, than huricane katrina coverage? and drew as of now is an innocent man walking.

  6. Calm down.

    Talk show hosts have one purpose.

    Devil's Advocate.

    They intend to rile the listeners so they call in.

    Fox has opposites to anger the left, right, and everyone in between.

    They are successful or they wouldn't be there, earning millions of dollars.

    Let me say that again, Calm Down.

  7. Nancy's a lot worse than Bill in my opinion. I've seen video's of that woman yelling at her producers and stuff for airing a video clip while she's talking HA! Something wrong with her.

    Bill just gets irritated really easy when people talk around his questions and he doesn't get the answer he's looking for. I actually like Bill because he gets straight answers out of people on tough questions. Either way it makes it a little more fun to watch.

  8. nancy grace is the biggest hippocrit the world has ever seen... a few days ago, my mom and i were watching it and there was a baby found in a garbage can and nancy grace began her sentence by saying, "im not being judgemental, but what kind of horrible person would do such a thing?"

    that seems pretty judgemental to me

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