
What is wrong with Lo on the Hills?

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Why does Lo act so stupid on the hills? She always says random things and her eyes are always real wide. She acts like shes on something. Why does she act this way?




  1. I think Lo is a spoiled brat.  She is trying so hard to keep Lauren and Audrina apart.  I think Lauren is starting to see some it.

  2. she is a nasty person with a bad attitude who is not cute at all but thinks she is. just a sucky person all around.

  3. I have been wondering about this girl myself.  I think she is very uptight, narrow minded and probably a little stuck up.  She seems threatened by Audrina, and it makes her say thoughtless things.  I feel a little sorry for her to tell you the truth, I think she has a hard time forming genuine friendships therefore she is a little territorial of Lauren.  The bottom line is her insecurities are showing, and it's not very flattering.

  4. Your right.  You just answered your question.  She acts like that because she is STUPID!!  She gets on my nerves and i think she is soooooo ugly.  I think she acts like that, because she is the ugliest one on The Hills.  I hate her and her stupid little expressions and her attitude!!

  5. What are you talking about?

    When has she NOT acted stupid on that show?

  6. Honesty i think lo is seriously jealous of Audrina and Lauren friendship that she has to be rude and say really dumb things to make herself feel better

  7. lo is extremely jealous of audrina and lc's friendship so she's trying to come between them.  she's rude, childish and acts so jr. high.  lauren really needs to get a clue and send her steppin.

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