
What is wrong with Mexico?

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Has anyone noticed that it is more dangerous in Mexico than Afghanistan and Iraq combined? Have you also noticed it isn't really news to the MSM? Why is that?




  1. Corruption in the government.  I know the current President is trying to clean it up, but let's face it, that will take years and years.  Police who are also hit men for the mob.  The drug gangs are so big that they own most of the politicians and law enforcement.  Because of this, the country is pretty much an incompetent mess.

  2. I didn't know that.

  3. It is, but our government, no matter from what party it is, ignores it on purpose.  First, both political parties let themselves being pushed by special interest into playing the politically correct games.  Second, both parties are selfish enough to put our safety in jeopardy for the sake of winning the Hispanic votes. Third, our population *refuses* to see that the only ones affected by the illegal immigration wave are the true hardworking tax payers, and for pity, give the illegal immigrants rights that the tax payers dont have.

  4. I think that Big Industry is pretty into the concept of "Everything's fine! Globalization Rocks! The Whole World is being turned into Li'l Americas, Courtesy of your Local Corporations!!!". The US trying to fix the big issues with Mexico, China, and Russia, would just cause trouble for global corporations, which do just fine under the current system.  And most news companies are part of industry, too.

    Plus, Mexico's been a nightmarish country since the Spanish left, so it's old news. At least Iraq is only 7 years old.

  5. have you heard of Rex 84 well its just that we are expecting some kind of revolution either their or here and this is where everyone will be put Mexico is in a bad why and it probably will get worse some skeptics say that more people will come here from Mexico if it gets any worse their and anyway who knows what will happen next  

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