
What is wrong with Ron Santo, does he not have legs?

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Serious question. What is wrong with him?




  1. He had legs when he played of course, but they have since been amputated below the knees as a result of his diabetes. Unfortunately, one of the complications of diabetes is that it weakens your circulatory system and this often leads to amputation of limbs.

    As an earlier poster some people this is a source of humour for some sick reason. Ron Santo overcame diabetes to become one the best third basemen of all time, he's a good announcer and a fantastic ambassador for the game of baseball. The people who mock him will likely never accomplish even a fraction of what Santo has achieved despite good health.

  2. Ron Santo is a diabetes sufferer and had his legs amputated from the disease, there are numerous walks and charities in support of him and the cause of curing juvenille diabetes

  3. Diabetes, which led to his legs being amputated. GO CARDS!

  4. Ron Santo is a diabetic.

  5. juvenile diabetes. He had to have them taken off because of it.

  6. Whatever happened to his legs is no excuse for how horrible he is behind he microphone. Honestly - he is the ultimate homer, but has no idea how to call a game. Grunts and groans are annoying.

  7. Diabetes...they had to amputate his legs because of it, im pretty sure because he couldn't pump enough bloodsugar to it or something...

  8. both of his legs have been amputated at the knee from his type 1 diabetes

    the other problem he has is that he isnt in the hall of fame (9 time all star and 5 gold gloves)

  9. He was a former pro baseball player who had diabetes type 1. His career was cut short because of the diabetes care and what was known about the disease back then was not very developed. He was actually aonly given a life expectancy of 25, but he is currently 68

    he played for 14 years, but since then he has had both of his legs removed form the knee down

  10. He has been suffering with Diabetes since he was 18, his right leg was amputated in 2001 and his left leg in 2002 from complications from diabetes.

    Apparantly to some people this is HILARIOUS!  Personal suffering and illness' are just hugely funny to people that lack intelligence.  

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