
What is wrong with Russia?

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I believe they are trying to start a world war!?




  1. The question should really be Whats wrong with the United States.  It has been actively recruiting former Soviet countries to join NATO. These countries are all bordering Russia. NATO countries all have a heavy American military presence and the Russians have warned many times that they will not tolerate American or NATO forces on their boarders, and still we persist. It is essentially the American Argument against a Russian military presence in Cuba.

    If we are ever to get along with the Russians we cannot continue to belligerently ignore the security concerns of Russia. The United Stares insistence on putting Ballistic missiles in Poland over the objections and warnings of the Russians will only exacerbate the problem.

    The Cuban missile Crisis was brought about by just such a maneuver .  The United States placing missiles all along the Russian Boarder in Eastern Europe, is what led to The Russians placing Nuclear weapons in Cuba in the 1960's  When JFK agreed to remove the missiles from Europe the Russians removed the missiles from Cuba.

    The president of Georgia is an American educated Expatriate of Georgia who was a lawyer in New York , and it is no secret that he would have Georgia become a US satellite in Russia' back yard..

    The Russians are not going to have it, and there is not much anyone can do about it.   In light of the fact the The United States has become more militaristic in their approach to world problems is is only natural that the Russians flex their military muscle as well.  I expect that once the Olympics are over China will do the same.

    In other words The Russians have just pissed on Bushes leg, and there is not much he can do about it.    

  2. Because all around 'em doing smthg they agreed not to do.

    THEY??? ...was u sleeping for the last week?

  3. hopefully it does and maybe America will start a draft and maybe we can eliminate this Global Over-Population  

  4. whats wrong is that they had a czar now dead. and they had a soviet union now dead. they should try a woman president and get rid of their ego centric leaders

  5. good question.

  6. It was the US and Israelis that armed the Georgians and may have urged them to attack the South Ossetians and breaking a treaty that they had with them since 1992.

    So who is trying to start a war? Georgia started it. Since Russia stopped them from killing the Ossetians the 30,000 refugees that ran to North Ossetia are still alive and so are witnesses.

    Check out the Bloomberg News for a fairly accurate report. If you want to read what all sides have said, go to the site to read about the three emergency meetings that the UN has had. The first was called by Russia for the UN to stop the Georgian killing - before they did so themselves. The US said no to an agreement without military options... Figures.

    They are not doing what they agreed not to do. They were there to protect the South Ossetians. They did so. The South Ossetians are very happy about that.

  7. Some, including me, think they're rebuilding the empire, last time it was called USSR, but Russia was an empire for last few centuries. Always conquering and trying to conquer more. That's how empires exist till they fall apart.

    Today ex-KGB Putin and mostly military government can't get the images of "glorious USSR" out of their heads, thus difficulties accepting the reality, that neighbor countries don't have to do what Russia tells them and independent countries even if 5-10 times smaller than Russia still have the right to choose how they live.

    That it's not ok to arm separatists and it's not ok to invade...

    Others think Russia is just on their periods, thus their extreme crankiness.

    Can be both though :)

    They're not trying to start WW III. As you can see, like other bullies they pick small targets that  they can handle easily and then rattle about the "glory of Russian arms", even if the youtube is full of the videos of glorious Russian soldiers looting and stealing used shoes and uniforms of their enemy, robbing journalists and gunpoint and once in a while killing them too, not on camera though.

    They won't pick up the fight with NATO members or US. Without nukes they're dead meat in that fight, with nukes everyone is dead.

    To Peter B - it's not US recruiting. Just look what happened last week, if you were a small country on the border with Russia, wouldn't you seek an ally to get some sense of security?

    Do you ever ask yourself, why is that all former soviet republics don't want to join Russia  back and most of them are seeking NATO membership?

    Or like comrade Lucky here, you believe that it's all Russia's neighbors that are bad and Russia is simply busy rebuilding country?

    If Russians weren't invading independent countries to defend their "newly created" citizens on foreign soil may be someone would believe that, but after last weeks events, do you think Georgia or Ukraine need US recruitment to seek NATO membership?

    And btw, US missiles in Poland are defensive, they can't strike ground targets, just shoot down ICBMs. Unlike Russian missiles which were smuggled into Cuba in civilian cargo ships and were offensive weapons with nuclear warheads.

    So, making an analogy with Cuban missile crisis is not quite correct.


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