
What is wrong with a creationist being VP of a major world superpower???

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a heart beat away from the presidency...a presidency of a 72 year old cancer victim with major health problems???

what message does it send about the people of the country that allow this to happen?




  1. The very real prospect of having a McCain/Palin presidency is a very scary thought indeed and if (when?) it happens I propose a world wide exodus to Mars.

  2. Its better than  having wright pulling power strings anyday

  3. I remember a time when Democrats pushed for religious equality and tried to prevent this sort of discrimination in the public arena.  But let me guess, we can chalk this up to the ever changing party....just like the whole slavery thing.

  4. The rest of the world needs to know that we populated Earth from two people who lived for over 900 years, but that a humanity's downfall was caused by a woman since she ate from the tree of knowledge.  Women are not suppose have knowledge, nevertheless enjoy a nice piece of fruit.  

    Eve's actions paved way for sin and eventually homosexual behavior.  God got made at the homosexuals, destroyed two cities and turned someone into a pillar of salt since he could not prevent evil from happening in the first place or decided to create a faulty piece of work.

    Somewhere in the creationist agenda exists a talking donkey and the severely flawed logistical argument of a global flood and Noah' Ark.

  5. Well you've memorized the TV dialog--I can see.

    What are your real thoughts-without the talking heads giving you the words.

    Oh--sorry you're an BO follower, and everyone knows they can't talk without a prompter in front of you.

    A creationist?

    What are you 120 yrs old. That's diction from 1900. Do you still believe the world is flat too?

    Mrs. Palin, unlike you, has many accomplishments, and has devoted herself to public service. What have you done for your country?

    72 is yesterdays 62, and anyway, he's not running marathons--he's governing a country. MENTAL ACUMEN IS THE KEY HERE-NOT AGE.

    BO is younger, but he can't think on his feet and he is not very clued in about so many areas of government-and his VP is worse than Palin. An angry washed up wannabe who failed at his own goals, picggy backs a ride on BO's ticket.

    If BO had really wanted to win, he'd have chosen Hillary as his VP. See. He's not very smart after all.

    I wonder what all the BO groupies will say when he loses?

    Palin is a great person, who loves her country and her family and God. Those are good qualities in a person.

    Pastors, priests, Sunday School teachers, Reverends all believe in the "creation" concept. So what is your point? It sends the message that we value inner spiritual values as much as political take charge.

    Too bad your boy-BO--has shown how much he DOESN"T love God by his 20 year following of  hate filled fanatical sheep in wolves clothing-wright.

    That tells me a lot about how BO views GOD...if he even believes in GOD, which I doubt.

  6. Perhaps better to have health problems than severe psychological problems that would undoubtedly lead to many more body bags being returned. Remember it was "necessary" to ban publication of photos of returning body bags or coffins draped in the flag.  

  7. wow, this is all you have in comparison to Obama - Biden, but they could be a spotless still would manufacture some negative

  8. It tells us that they are scientifically illiterate nitwits.

  9. Asked by the Anchorage Daily News whether she believed in evolution, Palin declined to answer, but said that "I don’t think there should be a prohibition against debate if it comes up in class."

    "I’m not going to pretend I know how all this came to be," she said.

    I haven’t been able to find anything that definitely says that she believes creationism.  

  10. as long as she strips for us, i'm ok with it

  11. Americans will truly all become the laughing stock of the planet. Everyone globally cried and pissed themselves laughing when the US announced the opening of there creation museum. All foregin news readers couldn't keep a straight face or even talk without laughing reading the story. Being it's another they must have put something wierd in there water, only in America  thing.

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