
What is wrong with alternating payment on dates?

by Guest33514  |  earlier

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It's so simple and fair to both genders. Why do people get tied up in knots over who pays? If it's meant to be a relationship, start the mutual give and take right away.

(i.e. date 1: whoever asked, pays.

date 2: person 2 pays.

date 3: person 1 pays.





  1. As long as it is somewhat equal restaurants.  Don't have them pay when you go a fancy restaurant, then when it's your turn, you take them to Taco Bell.

  2. WOW, that sounds too complicated! Just the kind of person you want to date, a person with a payment plan!

  3. Sure sure - just don't tell your date that you're starting your financials so early in the relationship - you'll scare them away lol

  4. date 1: whoever asked pays

    date 2 and all future dates:go Dutch

  5. Well... you are making the assumption that both people are into each other at an equal level. Usually I've found that one of the people are more into the other. The Asker should pay on date one. Whoever asks for date 2 should expect to pay - if the 2nd person is into person 1, then they should at least offer to pay their part.  Date 3 - ditto for date 2.

    If you are pursuing, you are paying.

  6. See what you can do about getting that into the procedure/policy book and we'll talk.

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