
What is wrong with american youth?

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I am 21 years old. I came here in America (Houston, texas) just about a year ago. I just noticed that a lot of young people here are so into Marriage and Having kids. A lot of them are teenager and in their early 20s. It's ubiquitous and I just can't understand why. They just get involved on this stuff without in-depth thinking and plannning. Most of their kids don't have FATHERS or if they do, they are irresponsible. (They would rather put those Mag wheels on their car for Pimpin instead of feeding their hungry kids) They don't care about financial stability before doing all this stuff. The economy of the USA is constantly going on south for the past few months and we are heading to a much more big problem. It only means that life is getting more tougher and tougher every year. I understand that we have a "divorce" thing here but still it will cost a lot of grueling process, wasted time, money and effort to do this. I understand that having kids is a still a blessing but "Can't they all wait for a proper or decent time to do this?" I asked one of my financially pregnant neighbor why did she get pregnant for her 4th kid, and she told me that IT"S JUST HAPPENED. Well having a single kid takes a lot of financial stress and having four kids is too much nowadays, and "ITS JUST HAPPENED?" I do some readings about this and I just came across a research stating that "At the end of this decade, 1 in every 7 family will file bankruptcy and some percent who don't will excruciatingly struggle financially and emotionally in this struggling economy. I'm just curious and aware about my society I'm living in. What do you think guys?




  1. it really depends.i know bad and goodppl. i dont think were perfect but there are bad qualities about here.

  2. You pretty much answered your own question.However most are NOT into marriage ,most are into uncommitted s*x and shacking up.

    the thing is though, this is how the parents raised them to be or lack of parenting produced them to be.

    This country has drifted away from GOD and HIS moral standards for mankind and we are seeing the results of that now.

  3. I am a mother of 2 and I have one on the way. The one on the way happened while I was on birth control. I never had s*x until I was married and I married the first guy I ever dated (which did not last to long).I was 18 when I got married and I am now 29 and I have only ever been with 3 men in my whole life.That might be hard to belive for some of you but it is the truth.If I had a chance to change what has happened in my life I would not do it. My kids are my life. Yes we struggle everyday to make ends meet but by the end of the day everything is good. Yes there are alot of young kids out here today that are having kids and it is not something that should be taken lightly.They need to think about the future and if they can afford to have the kids at the time they are wanting them but that is just something that they have to live with and there is really nothing anyone can do about it. Children are gods gift to people and they need to enjoy them and love them and be able to provide for them.  

  4. it has nothing to do with race, personal faith or any of it...

    americans are just dumb.

    no, seriously, we'er a nation of paris hilton idolizing, american idol loving, toby keith album buying mush headed morons.

    dont worry - this cant possibly last long.....either revolution or invasion will whip everyone back into shape.

  5. People are not committed any more like my generation was.  When we said our wedding vows, we meant them and we stuck together and raised our family.  We taught them right from wrong.  We taught them s*x before marriage was a sin, you could get several type of diseases so just say no to s*x.  If you don't think you can date and not have a desire for s*x, then don't date.  Concentrate on your studies and after you graduate from college, get a good job be financial secure then look for a wife.  That is what both of my children did.

    This generation coming up now is totally different.  Their parents did not punish them when they did wrong.  It is like they are their own parents because they can do anything they want to and no one cares.

    So these young  people are getting pregnant without being married and some do not even no who the father of their child is.  It is a disgrace to America and some how we have got to turn back the clock.  Parents have to go back to being parents instead of friends to their children.  Children need parents they have friends at school and other places.

    I think you are correct in what you said and I am thankful you said it.   You are pretty smart just to be 21 and I appreciate your wiliness to write what you did.  

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