
What is wrong with blonds?

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Why do people make fun of blonds? All those people are stupid




  1. people make fun of blonds cause girls are jealous and guys want to be with them. Another reason  is cause making fun of blonds really bothers them with alot of girls.

  2. There is nothing wrong with blonds.  I believe blonds have been given that credit because  males are strongly attracted.  I'm not sure why, but it may be the image presented by blonds as being sorta helpless.  Guys like this.  They like to be thought of as a hero, and I believe blonds stimulate the overt rescue tendencies in males, by acting "dippy"  If any of you missed the movie "Legally Blond", you should see it.  It is a very accurate presentation of how much blonds are not viewed as being able to achieve a high GPA and are limited to the rigors of homemaking.  Females who are not naturally blond spend a lot of money at their beauty shop getting bleached.  So, to all you blonds, I want you to know you are actually envied.

  3. its ok i love blonds, idk how but every girl ive gone out w/ is a blonde

  4. I do not think that there is anything wrong with blonds, i have dark hair myself, i don't think it makes any difference what colour hair you have, my guess why people make fun of blonds is because it is the way they come across, but is it any different from what is said about redheads being fiery

  5. ohmygawd i know right! UGH it makes me SO mad when people make fun of us. i mean really, how can the color of a persons hair determine how smart/dumb they are!? gosh! i think its the jealous brunettes[: haha, what do you think they do when we're out with our boyfriends on a friday night? think of blonde jokes! duh!

  6. Nothing.....I'm so sick of blond hair, I'm tempted to dye it brown....seems every single person is blond clue as to why they make fun of blondes.....from the comic strip Blondie? lol....????  Really, though, I'm tired of blond hair....

  7. it's just an hair color...!!!

    Hint: Anyone who goes off hair color are really the ones that are  stupid and ignorant.  

    I considered people who change personality because of their hair are bipolar or have multi- personality disorder.

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