
What is wrong with calling your employees after hours and on the weekends?

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I work late a lot of nights and sometimes I have to call some of my employees to decipher what they may have done on a particular document. Sometimes I come in here on the weekends also and I have to get in touch with someone. I get irate spouses on the phone in a lot of cases. One guy's wife yelled at me because I called on a Saturday and woke the entire house up. What was wrong with her? I told my employee to tell her that if I get a reception like that again he may get written up. I don't understand, I am the call that should be answered and give the utmost attention because after all it is your job and that's his livelihood.




  1. There is nothing wrong with it if it is made a clear expectation of the job.  If that is the case, your employees are not going to be surprised to get such a call.  (And the have the right to be compensated accordingly.)  However, if it is not a clear expectation or written into the job description, you really have no right to contact employees at home, except in exceptional circumstances.

  2. You days in management are numbered!

    You have a sensitivity problem, (I may even guess no family life)

    If you want employees to respect you, you have to earn that respect a little by respecting their life.

    I'm sure you allow them to spend all the time they want on the phone home

    When you have a problem fix it on company time

    I'm not saying you should never call them, but as an exception not a rule

  3. Unless its a social boss better not call me on MY days OFF!!!!!!

  4. Probably not a good idea, I would be more inclined to tex or email, if it was really important......

  5. Many doctors are on call. As are police, fire, swat, water and power, gas company, and those that do disaster work. That is part of there job that they know about from the beginning.Now when it comes to other employees there are other cases where a employee may be on call for a specific time. Such as 1 Saturday a month. Sometimes they may be called many times during there on call shift, other times not at all.Those people know when they are hired that is what will be expected of them and of course they are payed for being on call. If when your employees are hired and this is part of there job that is written out clearly and they sign it, then that is required of them. I do not think they should have been called. Totally out of line. If upper management decides calling to the home of a employee is necessary a meeting should be called and discuss the new job description..

  6. see things very differently than most people. And that's clear by the answers you got. That's all I can say.

  7. two wrongs don't make a right. whatever deciphering that needs to be done should be done on work time only, and if people are yelling because you "woke up the house" they should not be answering the telephone.

    phones were not created to bother or be bothered.

  8. ok woah. on a power trip much? the weekend is a weekEND. yes, understandably, people do have to do SOME work on the weekends; however, most of the work should be able to wait until monday. if you really need to talk to them, send an email. but dont call the home phone. its rude, especially on the weekend or at night. and also, "you are the call that should be answered"??? wtf dude. you are not "god almighty", you are a man who does not control the way others live. you are ridiculous.

  9. I say call there Cell Phone and not there house phone.

  10. True, but I think most of america doesn't like to take their work home with them.

  11. The only way I call an employee when they are off when when someone calls out and I really need the help. If they do come in they are paid over time. Because of my position I have to be called at times but I don't think they should be bothered on their days off unless they are compensated for it.

  12. Because we dont work ror free

  13. After hours and weekend they are not getting paid its their time not yours.On the job they give you their attention and do their job.They have lives too.

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