
What is wrong with conspiracy theorist? Example 9/11, is it lack of education?

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Low IQ? No common sense?




  1. You, my friend, are paid blogger. Even Bush and Cheney say this was not a lone individual. It was a conspiracy. It's just a matter of whether you believe the government conspiracy theory or a theory put forth by a more reputable source.

    I immediately could see from the live feed that this was a planned demolition because:

    - Clouds of pulverized concrete.

    - Squibs.

    - Symmetrical fall.

    - Free fall speed.

    Later dozens of people reported that they had heard a series of timed explosions, and explosions at the sub basement level. Many people knew that the third building to be destroyed was to be "pulled." One person swears he heard a count down on a radio.

    The renowned physics Professor Steven Jones published articles explaining why the 9/11 NYC  buildings could not have been destroyed through as a progressive collapse. This doesn't happen at free fall speed, and it is not symmetrical. Also, there are pictures of the site that show steel beams that have been perfectly cut at a 45 degree angle. It looks and even smells like a planned demolition.

    You should know that the government conspiracy theory about Arabs is fishy. My guess is that the average member of the 9/11 Truth movement has an IQ of at least 120.

    If you want some facts that cannot be refuted, look to the "Debunking 9/11 Debunking." This discredits the 9/11 Commission Report (A white wash by the White House), and also the Popular Mechanics article (written after the editorial staff was replaced).

    My advice to everyone is to turn off your TV and radio. Look into this very important watershed moment on your own and decide for yourself if the government conspiracy theory is the best conspiracy theory out there.

    Victim families are desperate for the truth. Congress and the media has ignored them.

  2. No, it's not a "lack of education."

    It is the cold harsh realization that the current fascist regime in power would stop at NOTHING to obtain its goals.


    I do not believe one single word which this "government" has told the public about the events of September 11, 2001. Not one.

    P.S. I went to one of the most highly respected universities in this country. How about you?

  3. Jane get out of that glass house you're in, and put those stones down!

  4. I think your being a little harsh. There is nothing wrong with looking at things at a different angle or thinking outside the box.

    I have 1 strong fact about 9/11 that nobody ever answers.....bldg #7. Why did that collapse? 52 stories tall, nothing hit it and it still fell in a perfect little pile.


    We never landed on the moon either. Why haven't we gone back?

  5. No Just a lack of plain common sense

  6. Perhaps a combination of both with a lot of brainwashing. These people had to be brainwashed to believe these b.s. 9/11 conspiracies.

  7. fear

  8. I think you are very childish to label people who just want the truth to be labeled conspiracy theorists.

    You are the one with the low IQ and poor education.

    And to the guy who thinks Popular Mechanics is the real deal:

    Popular Mechanics is owned by Heart publications. William Randolph Hearst is known as "The Father of Yellow Journalism".

    One of the researchers for the Popular Mechanics piece is Benjamin Chertoff  THE FIRST COUSIN of Homeland Security boss, Zionist son of a rabbi, and 9/11 conspirator, Michael Chertoff.

    AND Another Popular Mechanics researcher Davin Coburn - was recently humiliated and caught lying on a live radio show. Listen to him lie and squirm. He later canceled other radio appearances! LOL listen to this interview when you get a chance and hear him stutter as he lies his *** off when confronted by informed callers and the host. I almost felt bad for him

  9. I post this link all the time about a Popular Mechanics (which I think would be a good source) article debunking most of the popular 911 conspiracy theories. I wonder if any of the conspiracy theorists ever take the time to read it? see link below.

    To Skeptic: I urge you to read the link that I posted. Do you disagree with everything in this article?? When Building # 7 fell you probably think that was an implosion with explosives. Why is it that whenever I see a building being imploded on TV, you can see and hear all of the explosions going off all over the building well before it falls??? But you don't see anything like this when any of the trade center buildings fell?? I'm also putting some links of building implosions. look and listen to how much explosives it takes to bring down a building. The explosives that go off before the building comes down are VERY VERY loud. I don't remember hearing witnesses from 911 saying hey, I heard a bunch of explosions before the buildings went down. Someone please explain. Every time I ask these questions none of the conspiracy theorists ever answer me

  10. Low IQ? Please tell us the name of the distinguished alma mater that produced a woefully ignorant person like you.

    If you are so very concerned about it, and believe the government's version, then WHY AREN'T YOU CAMPAIGNING TO CHANGE THE LAW ON ARCHITECTURAL STANDARDS?

    If indeed the buildings collapsed in exactly the way the government says it did - by fire warping the steel supports, then the legal building safety codes on fire protection and architectural standards on EVERY SINGLE building in the entire world has to be changed and be changed quickly to prevent another catastrophic collapse of a skyscraper during a bad fire. But then, that's not very likely considering we have over 100yrs of architectural engineering experience building skyscrapers and all the tests, all the precedents from much longer and fiercer fires have shown that a pancake collapse of this type is impossible. Yet 3 happened in one place in one day.

    Common sense? You should either stop eating lead paint chips or get yourself checked out for Alzheimers. :)

  11. To Mark S:

    There WERE witnesses who heard explosions going off before the attacks!  

    To the asker:  

    You left out an s , hon.  Unless you're addressing one of us in particular?

  12. LOL.  For a moment you had me going there.  I thought you meant people seeking truth.   I get it now ... you mean the people who believe the outrageous conspiracy theory documented in the 9/11 Omission Report!  

    You know ... the conspiracy theory that 19 Arab hijackers where able to circumvent the intelligence and air defenses of the world's only superpower and, among other things, crash a jet, unchallenged, into one of the world's most heavily-guarded building (Pentagon)!

    You may be correct in that for some, the reasons include lack of education, low IQ and lack of common sense but such cases of RARE.  More likely the reasons include

    - denial

    - fear

    - unaware of the complicity of the main stream media, and the reasons for that complicity

    - indoctrinated to trust government

    - judgment still clouded from the psychological trauma of 9/11

    - nationalism misunderstood to be patriotism

    - too busy with their lives to take the time to learn anything beyond the propaganda fed to them by the television.

    Few people are gullible enough to believe the official conspiracy theory once informed, and once they develop the courage to become informed.   It takes courage to accept that there are criminal elements inside the government.  Nobody wants to believe it, but it is real.  Criminals are power-hungry people.  It should no surprise that some of them find their way into top positions of government.

  13. I feel confident in stating that my IQ exceeds yours, by at least 20 points.

    Although you don't specify which conspiracy theory you disagree with, I guess you agree with the most far fetched of all the conspiracy theories, the one about a dozen or so Arabs, armed with box cutters successfully attacking the center of world trade, and penetrating the defences of the best defended building in the US.

    Forgive me if I guessed wrong.

    Talking of common sense, Einstein quite aptly observed:"Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen".

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