
What is wrong with having Different Races and acknowledging the differences.?

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And do you Feel the Government Encourages Racism with the laws they try to enforce upon people who are proud of thier Race and are not for making the ideal of Bi-racial a fact of thier life?

Cannot anyone anymore be proud of their race and NOT racist?

And I define Racism as Hating other races, not noting the differences.




  1. Racism is defined as believing there are inherent differences in races. Hate is usually the result of those beliefs.

    There is no REAL or meaningful difference between people of different ethnic/racial backgrounds. The differences people believe they witness are CULTURAL- different cultures have different histories that lead to differences in ways of life, speech and attitude/behavior and different beliefs (ie: Religions)...but people themselves are very much alike and to believe any different is in definition- to be racist.

    The government in certain ways do encourage Racism- Such as in Affirmative Action, their belief is they can right a wrong by instituting this legislation. To there defense- it can be said that change in mindset of some people would have to be forced until its accepted.

    To answer your last question, I don't think its possible to be proud of your own Race and not be a racist (because that would be in a way saying your race is in someway different than the others)....however you can be proud of your culture because cultures don't have to break down to racial lines. America is the largest cultural phenomenon in the world and is comprised of many different ethnic groups.

  2. There is no huge 'racial' difference biologically, we all have the same number of genes.

    A few minor differences in overall body measurements, but no outstanding differences.

    So exactly what is it you want to be proud absence of melanin? Your race is what you happened to be born into, its nothing more than that.

    Now culturally its a different story, where you came from, England, Wales, France, Germany, Africa, Indonesia, India.

    That reflects in what you eat, and how you view the world, but being proud of what you were born into is just a little on the self serving side, wouldn't you rather be proud of what you did for yourself?

  3. No !

      You are not a racist !!!

    Not at all !

    You should be proud of you blood line !

    I think your genes should remain in the same blood !

    In means of ones you alter your blood line it is changed forever !!

    You have the Right To live your life the way that you choose to live it !

    ++++ What others people  tell you   !!!

  4. no

    you can still be proud of your race.

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