
What is wrong with him? Looks like a really bad infection?

by  |  earlier

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I have a toy maltese, he weighs 41/2 pounds and is about three years old now. He also wears a diaper because he wouldn't allow anyone to train him and we wouldn't have been able to keep him if we didn't do something. So today I just heard him wimpering and everything and when I looked over he was trying to get something under the diaper. At first I thought it must be a flea, but when he wouldn't stop crying and biting down there I decided to look to see what was going on. Even when I tried petting his head, he didn't look up except once (which is very strange for him, he always stops what he is doing and is really shy) but kept on scratching and biting behind his hind legs. When I looked there is pus, and red marks either from biting hard or something else. It's scaring me, what is this? I am taking him to the vet right now, but just wondering if its life-threatening, or if this has happened to a pet of yours at all.

Thanks a lot




  1. I would not think it is life threatening, but it does sound like an infection of some kind. I'm glad you are taking him to the vet, he can diagnose the problem and treat him for it.

  2. no not life threatening, but a dog doesn't decide to "not allow any one to train him"....Whoever tried did not put enough effort into it, and probably wasn't using the right methods.  It's not too late to train him since he's only 3, cause this will probably be a recurring problem, most likely bacterial infection on his skin from the diaper.  But by the time you read this your vet will probably have told you this info.  Look into training methods that your vet recommends, kennel training etc. to house break him.

  3. He may be irritated from the diaper.  Take it off for a while.  He may be scratching at his legs and behind because the plastic is itchy  or something.  Or he may just not like it.  He CAN be trained if you have patience.    Good luck     He may be uncomfortable but I don't think it life threatening.

  4. i don't think its life threatening. maybe it could be the diaper that has rubbed the dog raw and now its affected. but the vet well tell you more.

  5. Maybe the diaper was irritating him, and either the diaper caused a wound, or his biting caused it.  I'm glad you're taking him to the vet.

    Please look into getting a trainer to come to your home and work with you on house training him.  This is very sad that a 3 year old dog, with no medical problem, is wearing a diaper daily because he has not been house trained.   While some older dogs and sick dogs can suffer incontinence that is beyond their control, this is no way for a young dog to live.  You do not need your dog to "allow" you to house-train him, you need to take charge and train him.

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