
What is wrong with him??

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one of my brother's has been neglecting his home for over a year!!

he normally lives on his own there but fior the last year he has been staying with my mum after work and on weekends even though he does do his own thing sometimes!!

my sister told me that my bro's old friend was around near his house when the next door neighbour came out asking him if my brother was ok? as she has not seen him for over a year and his garden has completely overgrown and his postb is piling up!!

I told my mum this and she says ahe has told him and he took it on board but he never does anything about it!!

should i talk to him??




  1. yeah girl just try to talk to him

  2. Wow, he has some kind of a problem, not sure what it is, has he broken up with a partner or something similar?

    You need to be careful talking to him so he dosen't think you are interfering.

  3. Yes you should ?


  4. The same happened with my bro when he got his own home. He used to bring his washing home for my mum and didn't want to stay there much on his own. Men are often like this - they don't like time on their own.

    You could suggest that as a family you all go over there and clear up the place together.  Then suggest that you go over and cook him a meal once a week

  5. Maybe he is lonely because he is 47 and dosnet have a wife.. Offer to help him clean his yard up

  6. Definitely, he's your brother! It's only natural that you are worried about him. Talk to him and even if he holds back you could always talk to one of his friends. You need to find out what is going on with him... Good Luck! xo

  7. Yeah, go talk to him right away, before some bad **** happens!!

  8. Perhaps he is suffering from some sort of depression. Offer to help him with the house! Maybe it's all too much for him and he needs to sell it. Make him realize his home is losing value everyday it is neglected.

    What does your Mum say about this? Why is she letting her grown son stay with her? Does she need help?  

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