
What is wrong with males?

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I have been married for 15 years. I was raised by my father. I have a brother. I have four sons, ages 1-14. And although their personalities vary, they have so many things in common...

Why can't they move the milk to see the mayo that's behind it?

Why do they half-a$$ everything and with a feeling of success because they found a "fast" way, albeit never thorough?

Why do they pee all over the bathroom? (There are 5 of them and one of me,so I have to put the lid back UP!)

Why are they satisfied with a to-do list that they never check off?

Why can my sons not cross a room without explosion sound- effects and the moves of Spiderman?

Why do they say about 50 words in a day?

Why do their clothes look so drab?

Why don't they show more compassion and consideration?

Why do they have to tap, or strumm, or shake their foot when sitting?

Why is it that when I turn my boys out to play, they run wide open like dogs let loose from pens? (We don't use sugar, high fructose corn syrup products such as Catsup,etc.)

Why do they love action movies?

I'm not a man hater. As a matter-of-fact, asking this question at age 36 is a little embarassing because I'm obviously slow on the up-take.

Maybe I shouldn't say "what's wrong", but rather, "what gives?"

Thank you.




  1. just to answer a few, why they say fifty words a day, because , well it might seem like a few but women are anatomically built so that they can talk easier, and that is why women talk so much,  yes, like the mountain climber who says, "because it is there" so women talk more be cause they can, it is easier,  

    about the other questions, i don,t want to say, i might give something away, i feel for you having to put the seat down,   i guess that can become trying,  i don,t have an answer for that  as i don,t have answers for the other questions  thanks have a good day, good luck  

  2. because we are guys, it is in our dna  

  3. They do all that because they're guys... why do women do all the things they do??? It's good to notice and acknowledge the difference in the sexes, it makes life fun!!!

  4. get your answers here:

  5. why do women complain so much?..thats what i thought

  6. 1.Men just look with their eyes for things, as hunting.  They don't search for things by hand.

    2.A guy likes to find shortcuts, it makes the guy feel smart.  guys don't have the same level of thoroughness as women do.

    3.To pee a guy just stands there and relaxes.  So the pee just falls everywhere, and guys don't care about making a mess.

    4.Guys don't want to 'do' anything if they can avoid it.

    5.Boys like to make noise so you know that they are there and acknowledge them, and you do, so they keep doing it.

    6.Guys don't have much to say.  Nothing to say, so they say nothing.

    7.Guys don't care how they look much, as long as it's comfortable.

    8.Guys don't feel emotions that much, so they don't care.

    9.Same as number five, guys want to be noticed.

    10.To 'play' to a boy is to run around and have fun.  Kids are full of energy.  The rush of physical activity feels great.  And you do keep your boys 'trapped' most of the time, so they are happy to 'run wild'.

    11.Action movies are fun to watch.  When a guy watches an action movie, he subconsciously projects himself into the action and does the actions in the moive him self in his mind(boys act it out in real life).  Action moives are also full of guy stuff like guns, ninjas, and babes.

  7. Why do women always look to deep into things?

  8. ever stop to think maybe you're the problem? stop being so uptight and pretentious.

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