
What is wrong with me, i mean i just don't care anymore?

by  |  earlier

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so i don't care about my birthday

or school

or anything like that

im only 13 but i feel i am growing up too much i mean nothing matters to me anymore exept for writing and music is that weird?

or is it just a phase??




  1. hey i totally feel the same way. music is the only thing that i connect with. I write lyrics to little songs and melodies that come into my head whenever I feel down.

    I get it. you are just indifferent to almost everything. you try to please yourself...but nothing does. I mean I try to hang out with people but when i finally do...and we are hanging out I am bored or unphased. I feel like i am not close with anyone. I have a best friend...but it's not the best friend that i hoped i would have. The ones that are inseparable and do pretty much everything together. I find myself wanting more and unhappy with my life and how it has gone. I feel as if no on really understand ME. no one know the REAL me. I don't tell people anything. I feel like i can't have serious conversations with anyone or tell them about how i feel. I have these deep serious thoughts about the world and I feel like my friends and peers won't take me seriously if i brought it up.

    I feel like life is just a series of little "tasks" that have to be done in order to get me through the days and the weeks and the months and the years. I am 17 years old. I have felt this way since your age. I am going to be a senior in highschool. I still can't believe...the years have gone by so quickly and i feel like I have done nothing that is worthwhile. Nothing that is meaningful. Nothing that I wanted to do. I've wasted these years away doing busy work. I just wonder when my life is really going to start.

    get at me if you want to would be cool to talk to someone who feels the same way.



  2. Oh, Dear Heaven!  You are going through one of those "teen-age phases in life" that ALL normal human beings go through. You have reached the level of reasoning wherein you are beginning to question the *WHYS* of everything, and you're searching for answers to your questions that you've never been concerned about, AT ALL, before!

    You didn't say anything about whether or not you have any *religious belief* in -- *GOD, Almighty* -- *Creator and Ruler* of everything we, here on Earth, know *anything* about, and, probably, *everything* Almighty GOD has *Created* that we know *NOTHING* about.

    But_! YOU are a *Child of God*!  {He} created you for a *purpose* to be performed during your lifetime on this Earth to help bring *Glory and Honor* to {His} name!

  3. Hii.

    Wow. I feel exactly the same..

    except I'm 16.

    Hopefully we'll work everything out.

  4. its a phase I'm still going thru mine and i'm 14 but i don't care about school just music and girls its like i'm trying to be something i'm not but we all go thru it

  5. definitely a phase.  pour ur heart and soul into what does matter to u (ur music) and try to open ur eyes to things that used to matter to u (family, friends, school, ur birthday...).

    answer mine?;...

  6. I was the same way..  music was my life, my escape.  I also did some writing around that age.  It was a great tool to work out the things that were on my mind.   Use the writing and music to help you get through whatever is making you so numb.  I would write about the worries on my mind and sort of twist things around so that at the end, I felt better...  and who knows where your writing may lead you in the future?

  7. when i was 13 i cared about drawing and nothing else.  interests change and new people come into your life.  you can't judge the quality of your life based on your emotionally unstable teenage years.  i was always angry except when i was alone drawing.  you don't care.  2 sides of the same coin.  you will be fine.

  8. You're 13. You haven't even begun to live life yet. How can you be so put off about something you don't know very much about? What you are feeling is just part of the growing process. It will pass before you know it. There is nothing wrong with writing and music, but you can't allow it to control every aspect of your life.  

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