I'm trying to understand what is going on with me and mi wife, I always have to initiate s*x, she has a busy life with our kids and I have a stressful job but I'm always willing for intimacy (I try not to transmit any of that stress to her) She doesn't seem tired and actually looks great since she started working out really hard about 5 months ago. I've never ask her to exercise, I have always liked her anyway she looks and I don't think she is having an affair since she is with the kids all day, she is 34 I'm 38 and I consider myself good looking , I drink but don't get drunk, I don' f**t, I don' F_ck around, I shower everyday and sometimes twice, my mouth doesn't smell and I'm very loving with my kids, perhaps not very succesful lately and I suspect that can be one of the problems. I aslo help around and try to do as much as I can including taking care of all the bills, some of the shopping and aall of the kids doctors & school appointments. I have pointed out things that are wrong to her, BUT, I mean, who is not going to point out a mistake to a wife/husband when is something like: "don't yell at the kids" or "don't leave the stove on" or the freakin phone bill was $200.00 dlls over? Please help and thank you. I need my s*x life back!!!