
What is wrong with me? Please answer?

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So, I have all different thoughts in my mind constantly. I analyse everything. Sometimes when I'm trying to sleep or even concentrate on schoolwork etc my mind wonders off and a million random thoughts pop into my head. So much that sometimes I feel like (and am almost) crying because it's like living with someone who talks nonstop 24/7. My mind won't shut up! I feel like grabbing my brain and throwing it away. :P I even have conversations with myself in my head. Am I going insane or what?




  1. Thats kinda normal.. only that you pay attention to those thoughts too much...  

  2. i'm the exact same way, it's just i have better control over it.

    you might have ADD, but it's a little inconclusive.

    just think of it as having a highly analytical mind ^-^

    there's nothing really wrong with you, at least not the way i see it.


  3. I do that too.

    but if it's REALLY a problem and you can't concentrate, it kinda sounds like ADD.

  4. It's normal. I do it all the time... Try to keep busy.

  5. No one in this world perfect. And if your going though puberty some of these things can be amplified due to all the new and increased chemicals and changes in the body.  

    HOWEVER - from what your describing it sounds like a mix of a few different things the main ones being: Bi-Polar and ADHD.

    (you don't have to be loud and obnoxious to have ADD or ADHD, there are quiet ones too)

    These are a lot more common then most people realize.

    If it is affecting you to the point where your having trouble doing normal activities (going to school, hanging out with friends, doing homework, going to sleep) then you definitely need to go and see a Psychiatrist (you dont have to be straight-jacket crazy to see one and many "normal" people have the same issues and are getting help for it to function more normally).

    They deal with cases like this all the time and if they can not help you straight away then they can prescribe something that will slow your brain down and equal things out until they can.  

    Somethings you can try and do that might help is:

    Activities (i.e. working out, playing sports, walking the dog, yard work) anything that helps you work up a sweat... this will help decrease extra energy and help with sleeping at night.

    Your food intake: Try and limit the amount of sugar and caffeine that your taking in (especially starbucks/monster/redbull and all those other energy drinks). Limit the fats also. Eat out far less, try eating healthier foods and try cooking your own meals.

    Computer and Television: Try to limit how much you do this ESPECIALLY an hour or so before bed, the images tend to make the mind race right before bed rather than calm it down. instead try the next thing.

    Read or write: If you can manage it reading before you go to sleep or writing down some of your thoughts can help your mind relax before sleep. keeping a journal or diary can help two fold by relaxing the mind and getting out pent up thoughts in your head that may be causing added stress and more problems.

    Get a routine: A lot of random things can often cause stress which can add to pent up energy. try and get a routine that you can stick to for a little while, start small... a morning routine, or a night routine that you do just before bed.

    Hope this stuff helps, as everyone is different it's best to see a professional asap!

  6. We all do it when we are alone , start singing, that helps,

  7. same here i get distracted easy...

  8. No, your really not. Believe or not this is totally normal.

    I actually do it myself.

    I don't really know how to stop it. But i think to tone it down you have to distract yourself. Because lets face it, trying to get to sleep is boring. Your just sitting there so  your mind beginst to wander. And school work isn't exactly fun either is it?

    Distracting yourself with fun stuff will help you calm down abit, but what you have to remember is that when it comes to doing important (but lets face it boring1) things, you need to really try and concentrate and block your thoughts out. Try calming yourself down a bit. Remember its you who is doing it so you really have all the control! :)

    Good luck x

  9. How old are you? this is especially common among those going through puberty whose thoughts and emotions are rapidly developing.

  10. I have had this happen a lot in my life,usually when other people around me have issues going on and it is hard for me to deal with.It sounds like you may have an anxiety problem.I would suggest if at all possible to go seek help from a therapist or counselor.You need someone to be there to listen to you.Once u start going to a therapist they will help you determine if you can work on this by just listening to bio-feedback tapes and talking with your therapist or if she feels a little medication will help.I am an analyzer too. Most Gemini's have this problem,have nerve type things, are talkative and analytical.

  11. not insane but ADHD comes to mind

  12. That sounds normal to me ;0)  

  13. If you are going insane Sweetheart, then you are on the same bus as I am.  In fact, there are more people on this ride than you think.  People often tell me that they can actually hear the gears revving in my head as if someone is constantly squirting WD40 in my ears.  I am 54 years old.  I am a mother, grandmother, and teacher and I am NOT insane.  It is as much a part of your genetic makeup as the way you walk.  Some people can dismiss thoughts, others are able to compartmentalize, therefore keeping thoughts organized.  Others are unable to access this function.  Believe me, I know how insane you feel when there is so much in your head, that you cannot focus 100% on just one of them.  It is like your mind is a pinball machine.  You simply take in and try to process far too much.  It is who you are.  I wish that I could advise you how to set aside some of the information that your brain is trying to process.  I wish that I could tell you how to prioritize the thoughts, putting them in order of importance, even rejecting some altogether.  Unless this constant analyzing is debilitating, all I can do for you is validate you and reassure you that you are most assuredly, NOT insane.  Others may disagree.  But I know because I have lived this way for as long as my accessible memory serves me.

    Peace Out!

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