
What is wrong with me? ..Please help..?

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I don't know what's going on with me. The feeling I have is very hard to explain, almost like confused/frustrated/depressed. Nothing really makes sense to me anymore, and its s******g with my relationship. Because even though everything is fine, the smallest thing will trigger some insecurity for unknown reason, and it wasn't even intended the way I took it. It's always been this way, but few and far between and not to this magnitude where it won't go away.. Could it be stress? I don't know how i'm going to pay for my freshman/upcoming year of college, and I started working 8 hour days four days a week right out of high school. Nothing can ever just seem to go right. I used to look on everything so positively, but i don't know, now I don't. What is wrong with me?




  1. One of the more difficult aspects of depression is when it is not bad enough that you are lying on the floor crying 24/7 but it is impacting every area of your life. Depression makes you feel uncertain and frustrated which slowly worsens your symptoms. So over time a mild depression can build. Definitely seek treatment from a professional, preferably a specialist such as a psychiatrist that can also set you up with a counselor so that you can discuss your issues and get a reality check on whether you are blowing things out of proportion. A counselor can help you set up a treatment plan as well as setting up goals for your personal life so that things don't feel so out of control to you. i wish you well.

  2. balls and nuts

  3. Nothing is wrong with you but the way your perceiving things around you.  Negativity draws more Negative. Positive brings positive.  Life isn't easy, we make decisions and choices that influence our lives in the future.  The choices we make today affect tomorrow.  Keep a positive outlook, think about the choices you make before you make them.  Realize that you can not change yesterday, but what you do today will affect tomorrow.

  4. You need to take a deep breath, think about positive things. Maybe it is just hormones. It may also be stress. Maybe it is that your doing something bad.... like drugs. Because if you do that, then things like what you said will happen to you. You can also ask your doctor about it.

  5. i think you are just stressed about college. i'm in the same situation. just wait it out, and things are going to go back to normal and you will be back to yourself in no time. if this does continue, however, i would recommend seeing a doctor. i am not a professional, but my mom has depression, and this is what it sounds like.... if it is just temporary, though, it's normal. everyone feels like that from time to time. hope things start to turn around for you :-]

  6. I got overwhelmed for awhile a couple of years back, and I actually asked my MD for something light to ease my response to the outside factors.  Now,  drugs and allopathic medicine are the LAST resort for me, but I'd been dealing with the "stress" for months in every way I could find and nothing was working.  He gave me a scrip for an antidepressant and I wound up taking it for less than the 6 months he thought I'd be on it.  Sometimes just having something (like the scrip) to lean on for a short time can give you enough distance to get it together. to your doctor and see what s/he suggests.

    Good luck!

  7. I used to feel the same way. I couldn't believe it when I found out what was causing it. It turned out to be a chemical they put in food called sucralose. And it is in a lot of stuff. From fitness water to tomato sauce.

    Sucralose is what Splenda is. Sadly, the package doesn't have to say Splenda or diet to have sucralose in it. You have to read the ingredients.

    Sucralose is poison. It ruined five years of my life. I had a laundry list of medical problems while taking it, including overwhelming anxiety, depression, mood swings, insomnia, gastrointestinal issues and more.

    The slogan, "Made from sugar..." is very misleading. Splenda might be made from sugar, but it is far from sugar. The resulting chemical is an organochloride (chlorocarbon). Organochlorides are typically poisons.

    carbon monoxide - made from oxygen so its like a breath of fresh air

  8. Dont take offense to this or anything, but it could be that you are depressed or possibly even bipolar and it could be triggered by stress. i'd recommend talking to a doctor and seeing what they say.

  9. It's most likely stress. (Or possibly the beginning of a bipolar disorder, but I doubt that. Hee.) Just don't worry so much. Talk to your parents. My mother helps me cope with everything.

    Just last night I had a panic attack about turning 17 and starting college early. I don't know how she's going to pay for it either, but I don't worry so much. I feel like if something's meant for me, God will make a way, and I'll be just fine, so there's really no need to worry.

    I don't know if you believe in God or what, but it really does help cope with things. Talk to your parents and let them know you're stressing out. Maybe they can help you. Nothing beats a hug from your MOMMY!

  10. Welcome to the real world. Sorry, don't mean to be cruel, but its the truth. Nothing goes the way you want and we tend to take it out on the ones we love,that's life. Hold your head high and keep going. It does get better for the most part. You learn how to manage things, but it takes time.

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