
What is wrong with me? Psychologically.?

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Well, I am happy during the day time (most of the time) but from around 7PM until morning I get really deppressed.

I seem to latch on to people, I get really upset when I think about finishing school and never seeing my friends again.

Getting upset to the point of crying every night takes a h**l of a lot out of me, sometimes I even hope to die.

The h**l is wrong with me?




  1. Darling, wrong is not the answer, during the day you are constantly doing things, running around, talking, driving.

    then you enter the evening and things calm down you have more time to think about stressful things (you have fewer things to think about) and the stressful things take precedence over the funny television show that you might usually laugh at, first thought is depression. but depression is not the same as what you are feeling.

    you are basically showing signs of someone that pushes problems aside and focuses on whats here and now. THAT IS GREAT, means you will be an excellent employee wherever you go.

    But to sum it all up:

    you just do not have time to think about the finals or not seeing friends again because your doing many things during the day, so when night hits you have time to think about these sad things, and that is what causes what most would describe as a feeling of depression.

    I would suggest calling the friends you are sad to see go when you start feeling this way and just start a conversation.



  2. Hey, don't worry too much about not seeing your friends again, because you'll see them, and you'll also make new friends as you move on in life. So be strong, and if you can't seem to get over the reality, listen to music, chat online, read books or just anything that'll take your mind off of stuff that you're worrying about. Good luck and cheer up!

  3. As a health care provider, the only thing I can advice for you is to seek for medical help. Look for a good psychiatrist. I'm not saying your mentally unstable but based on what you're stating, you really need the help of psychiatrists.  

  4. you need to stop worrying too much. you'll make freinds elsewhere. dont be too dependant on others

  5. is a really good resource for me.  Maybe, you will find answers there. best wishes

  6. I wish I knew because I'm the same way. It's something about nightfall that makes me feel alone...To the point where I cant sleep. It depresses me... Like, it bothers me to know that this time of the night the world is sleeping, and it causes me to feel alone... I'm sometimes very clingy to people... Not really to the point where it makes me cry though...I'm not sure which one, but I'm sure it's some kind of personality disorder. I've looking into it a time or two, but I haven't stepped out and got help for it yet. I do plan to, as I think you should do the same...

  7. You should see a health care professional, such as a doctor or a psychiatrist. They may be able to prescribe you some anti-anxiety drugs or anti-depression drugs.

    You should also talk to someone who is close to you, they may be able to help you.

  8. Man, I used to be the same exact way.

    We're just the type of people who hate change.

    What turned my life around is that, I had a dream one night. It was the first day of senior year and I was 45 and I walked into my first period class and I saw a ton of like 17 year old kids, and I felt so out of place. Then all of a sudden, (in my dream) I was all like, "Woops. I'm supposed to be moving on with my life and making the best of my future. High school was great but I need to get on with life".

    Yeah, it sounds retarded. But thats the honest truth.

  9. your human. everyone exp that. its hard graduating knowing your not going to be with the people u care about as much anymore

  10. Nothing is wrong with you. You are young and anticipating your future and missing your friends. In the evening things are quiet and it gives you more time to think about such things. Try to focus on the wonderful things ahead of you, like college (forgive me, I am assuming you are in high school as you didn't state it) and the NEW friends you will meet and your future which is what you make of it.

    If you are finishing College, then you have even more to look forward to, a career and being the "master of your game". The world is just out there waiting for you, it's up to you what you do with that.

    It's true you may not see some friends again, but the ones that "stick" you may have your entire life. Life only gets better with the right attitude, spend your time thinking about the future, not being afraid.

    I am not sure who said it but there is a quote... "so many people lose tomorrow thinking about yesterday"

    You have it in your power to turn it around :)

  11. do something fun at night to take your mind off things

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