
What is wrong with me? (VERY LONG) (any professional psychologists please read!)?

by Guest59230  |  earlier

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I was also a slow learner, and still am to this day. In some situations i am an extremely chatty person, and i seem to be able to talk at a rapid speed and think quickly. In most other situations i have problems communicating, i feel that i think very slowly, and that it takes longer than most people to process information, especially giving and taking directions, and completing tasks.

I also have a terrible memory, worse then normal people's bad memories, i am especially bad with names, names of people,places or things. Even after working in a clothing shop with only 20 other employees who i have all worked with for over 1 yr and a half, i only know the names of 2 or 3 people. Its like my brain is too lazy to record down information.

I also have trouble reading and writing at a fast pace, so studing is really difficult for me, after reading a paragraph from a book, over and over and over again. i am never able to remember, and if i do, i never understand what i have taken in. (but i hardly ever remember)

Sometimes when people talk to me, its like i begin to day dream and only seem to hear part of what they are saying, and if i do remember what they say, i dont seem to grasp what they were saying (especially during directions)

I have a hard time describing things, and turning the thoughts in my mind into words, and out of my mouth, i dont stutter or anything, just make it hard for others to understand what i am talking about.

When i was 13 i was tested for dyslexia, and discovered that i do have it.

I also have problems concentrating as my mind is racing, and i sometimes become extremely hyper (teenage ADHD?). But at other times, i am calm and extremely intuitive with other people, yet still not actually focussing or concentrating on what i need to be doing.


As a child my parents never checked me out for ADD (attention deficit disorder) But i think it was pretty obvious that i had it, as i would become very hyperactive quickly, run around the classroom, act younger than my age and be very immature, (the other children would give me funny looks)

I had problems with anxiety at the age of 10 and refused to go to school, even though i had no problems whatsoever at school, i remember having stomach aches for about 2 months straight ( i think it was psychological thing because i got checked at a doctors 3 times and was fine) I would tell my mother that i couldn't go to school, and when she took me to school and had to leave i would get overly upset and cry. I also had an issue with leaving the house. This all lasted about 2 years.

I feel so frustrated not knowing if i have an unknow slow-brain disorder or somthing else?

please answer.





  1. Have you talked to a psychiatrist, you either have ADHD or Bipolar Disorder it sounds like to me, because you say you have racing thoughts and can not concentrate.  They make medicine for all of this and there is no need to walk around being unhappy and miserable.  They have Mental Health Clinics that base their fees on a sliding scale, meaning according to your income.  See a psychiatrist.

  2. No one ever got anywhere being like others, it might bother you but you probably need to turn that in your favor, you might be more analytical but not have such a good memory for example, you just need to find your strength and know that you probably wouldn't have it if you were not the way you are. Turn a challenge into an opportunity.

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