
What is wrong with me? When I am out in public, I always feel nervous. I feel as though all eyes are on me.?

by  |  earlier

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If I am standing in line at the grocery store I feel like the person behind me is looking over my shoulder and I get nervous when I am counting out my money or writing a checking (usually my hands shake a little). If I am walking by and someone starts laughing, I automatically think they are laughing at me. When I go to a restaurant, I am constantly looking around to see if someone is staring at me. The sad thing is that my kids (18 & 10) seems to be developing the same problem. Someone please help!




  1. its called insame in the manebrain=crazy in ur own world!

    my advice: where a very dark glass and where ear blockers so u cant hear a thing.

    gd lk!!

  2. This sounds remarkably like Social anxiety Disorder.

    It is relatively common and is sometimes caused by a gland in the brain producing a regulatory hormone that is unnessicary at the time. This type, and others, can be treated with medications such as lexapro and wellbutrin.

    Talk to your doctor, there is help available.  

  3. Hey! It sounds a bit like paranoia. Have you seen a psychologist or a counsellor about it? Usually Cognitive Behavioural Therapy could help. It would just help you think of your surroundings differently and realize  that these things are probably not happening. And it would help you come up with alternative reasons, for example, why people are laughing, etc...

    Please msg me if you want some help finding counselling services in your area. It's not anything major unless it's causing an impairment in your social, emotional, or occupational functioning.  

  4. Go to a family counselor, right away. This sounds like a form of social anxiety, and your kids are picking it up from you.

  5. You have either Generalized Anxiety Disorder, or Social Anxiety disorder. But, I would say you're leaning more towards generalized anxiety. Go to your doctor and get some Xanex it will help calm you down.

  6. You think every one is talking about you to. I've have the same problems that you have listed. Honestly for me I'm not into going to get meds for it because I truly believe that its like anything in life it takes practice to get over just look at someone else walking by and think is there anyone really talking about or laughing at that person and no one probably is and that's how you should look at yourself out in public. Just remember your just one of billions and that all eyes are not always on you. That's what I try to tell myself at least.

  7. You may be suffering from Agoraphobia

    Read more here

  8. Sounds like some sort of anxiety problem. You should talk to your doctor about it.

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