
What is wrong with me? Why am I so depressed?

by Guest62385  |  earlier

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I can't figure it out. I have a good job, a great wife, and two beautiful kids. I feel like I'm going nowhere and everything is useless. I keep asking "what's the point"? I fantasize about leaving my six figure salary and just living in a trailer and drinking myself to death.

I had a nervous breakdown this morning, just crying on the floor. I don't want to go to work, don't want to get out of bed. Don't want to do anything. I feel like such a useless failure.

Is this a mid life crisis? (I'm 36). What the h**l is wrong with me?




  1. No, I'm 26!!! That's happened to me! Listen up, have someone care for your kids for a week, go with your wife on vacation. I went to an all-inclusive for 10 days in Punta Cana with my fiancee (Sol Melia Caribe Tropical Resort) and came back refreshed, re-energized, and magically in love! It happens to everyone! I am a single mother of 2!!! I totally get the mid-life crisis thing!!! =)  Good luck!

  2. Did anything tragic happen lately? Sometimes if you're really stressed out too that can do it. I'll pray for you! :)

  3. depression could be hereditary...

    Cheer up, there's no time to be sad, you're a full time dad :) .

    take a break - go travelling with your family or something.  

  4. sounds like you need a hobby

    or some friends to hang with maybe play softball and drink beers

  5. You should see a doctor but I think you need to take a break from life take time off work a few days talk to your wife about how you feel and take time just for you go some where maybe some place you have always wanted to see and you need to have a close friend to talk to or someone when you feel this way who can try to help you understand whats bothering you.I feel for you and wish you the best.

  6. Depression is not just something you feel when bad things are happening, it's an actual disease, you should see a doctor.

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