
What is wrong with me and what do i need to change? boys?

by  |  earlier

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just a few pictures of me, im not very photogenic lol.

im the blonde.

why dont guys like me?

what do i need to change?

why havent i had a boyfriend since kindergarten?

am i too fat?

too ugly?

yeah, just tell me whats wrong with me, thanks.





  1. You look very pretty - and I actually like the beanie!

    More importantly you look like a fun person to be around, kinda cute, kinda quirky - some guys will certainly go for that.

    The important thing to remember is that you will never appeal to every guy out there. Think of, say, Angeline Jolie - loads of men simply don't fancy her, but that's not because she's unattractive, just because she's not their 'thing'

    So, what can you do? You need to have a great sense of self; of your look and style; of who you are and what you're about. All these project every time you walk in a room. And guys, at least the kind that's worth dating, are attracted by these things just as much as looks

    So focus on what you like about you and work on making the most of it. Please have fun with this - 14 is a great time and you never get it again! Try out makeup and friends' clothes. Go to stores and try looks you don't think would suit you just to see if they do. Rely on your own judgement of what works best for you (friends don't always like to see us change and may not give impartial advice)

    You are photogenic, your sense of fun comes through. You are definitely not at all fat! It's cliche that you never get a guy when you're looking for one - but it's true. Concentrate on your friends, on being you and boyfriend material will turn up - promise!

  2. It's 4:25 a.m. eastern time maybe you should start looking at sunrise.

    The early bird gets the worm.

  3. ur not thaaat bad

    just dress more girly and work on ur figure its kind of a brick

  4. i think you're quite pretty actualy. i like the second pic where your hair's back. but please no beanie! Black is very unflattering for you as you have such a light skin tone as well as very light hair. Try and warm up your skin colour with some blush. If you use eyeliner, use browns or maybe even blues because black will just make you look tired. Other than that, dont change a thing! whats this fallacy about thin women anyway? its so unattractive :)

    stay true :D

  5. sorry don't have time to look at pictures, if you don't like yourself, don't expect anyone else to like you either.

  6. Keep true to yourself ,first of all . The "What's right with me list" is probably a lot longer than the "What's wrong with me list". Too many people try to change to please others and they manage to do just that, temporarily. Then the reality of being unable to please  that other person sets in and you wonder how you could have failed .Don't change anything ,you don't owe anyone that. Good luck ,Punkin.

  7. wow uv had some poor answers. there is NOTHING wrong with u. serious. nothing at all. and i dont lie. sometimes its just not the right time. i dont want u to get self conscious about ur personality - cause u should never change that - but it might be that u are sending the wrong messages or vibes. it might also be the guys that u no or just their age.. or urs

  8. I've seen worse with boyfriends, personally for me though, you should move towards a more girlier look, especially in the last picture.

    Secondly, you're only 14, I've never had a girlfriend and I'm 18 and I'm not fat or anything and more feral guys get more girls than me.


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