
What is wrong with me? *please answer* =[?

by  |  earlier

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So I met my bf over 2 years ago and we've been dating ever since. We met online so its been long distance the entire time, which obviously makes things hard. About a year into the relationship I started playing an online game and became addicted not just to the game itself but also to all of the people I was playing with (pretty much 98.9% male) I got a lot of attention which I was craving more than anything on top of me being extremely insecure. So getting attention simply because I was a girl was amazing. After awhile I took this too far and began meeting some of these guys that I had met. It let to more than I planned on. I told my bf about the first 2 but it keeps continuing. Its like my addiction has grown into this beast and I don't know how to stop. I want my bf and I to work out but I constantly feel guilty and basically unworthy of him, he means everything to me. I know I should just quit the game but I keep telling myself 'this will be the last time' and it never is. I'm at a loss. Should I come clean with my bf about my problem? Should I try to work it out myself? Or should I just commit my self to a psych ward for internet s***s?




  1. just dont go on the computer. unplug it. your a w***e so you gotta stop cuz it could lead to u being a p**n star

  2. Well you should come clean with your boyfriend if possible and just taking the addiction on step at a time.  To be honest, Im a little afirad now that I am addicted to internet so just try one day without the game for three days, see what happens.

  3. i think the best thing to do it come clean with your bf and try to work it out with him. you know like have him help you. get a different addiction. like cooking or hang out with some friends or anything..

  4. You sound like you are living a virtual life!. Let your long distance boyfriend down gently, switch off the computer and meet people in the real world.

    Keep busy with home, work, friends you can touch and see in front of you and get involved with something like gym, amateur dramatics etc.

    Get your kicks in the real world - good luck!

  5. Talk to your bf about it. Maybe he can help you. Distance yourself from this game. Take some time away.

    Godd Luck!

  6. Best thing that works is to discipline yourself....unplug the computer and busy urself with something else..go visit your great aunt who doesn't believe in technology lol....and definately tell him and let him know that you want to work things out

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