
What is wrong with me please help?

by  |  earlier

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i went to he hospital three time all they did was stick a iv in me for pain and give me diarrhea medicine , but i am on the stool every five minuets and i am not ex aerating every five min i feel like i am wasting away , the diarrhea is running like water , my stomach hurts , my stomach bubbles up and out comes the diarrhea and i cant control it . i slept on the toilet last night because i got tired of getting up this morning same thing , i am taking the medicine but it don't seem like it is working , what could be wrong with me its been five days




  1. go to your normal doctor

    you have some sorta flu, bug or virus

    go to your normal doctor

  2. 5 days thats very long

    go to your doctor now

    important you dont get dehydrated

    doctor now, drink water  

  3. Get tested for Shigella. With those symptoms you need lomotil, an anti inflammatory (or other pain medicine) and antibiotics before it turns into dysentery. Phenergan for nausea if you have it and diluted sports drinks. Don't drink them straight, mix them one part water and two parts Gatorade or other electrolyte beverages.

    Also, sleep on your left side as much as possible.

  4. Could be a parasite or something of the likes. After me and my friends were in Mexico, they ended up like that. One of them had a parasite, the other food poisoning. Go to a doctor. Normal diahrrea medicine will not work if its a parasite.

  5. I feel like im gonna die from pain and this sickness.... What oh what shall i do?

  6. it could be food poisning

    the same thing happpend to me but i overdosed on laxatives.

    dont ask y


  7. It could be severe or minor; but don't let stress kill you. Knock out the worst possibilities first and work your way down the list. I had similar symptoms and it turned out I'd just eaten some expired salmon. I had almost the exact same symptoms.

  8. maybe your pregnant or you have food poisining

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