
What is wrong with me?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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okay so for a while now i've been feeling really down and like i want to cry

i have absolutely 0 attention span

i get distracted really easily and can't do something for more than like 10 minutes at a time

i get really aggrivated with people really fast

and i'm always tired

is it add or something more serious? what do i do?

please help!!!




  1. maybe youre getting your period...

  2. try getting some rest and if that doesnt work go have a spa day! and if u dont chill after that seek medical help

  3. maybe depression?

    if you're feeling down right now, watch this haha:

    good luck=)

  4. It sounds like quite bad depression to me.  See your doctor and ask for anti-depressants.  You can also see a counsellor but I would recommend doctor first.

  5. more than likely u have derpression see a theropest they can really help

  6. You're like me. There's nothing wrong with you. you might have ADD

    look there.

  7. You probably want to go out and do something fun with some friends you have or want to have. This is causing you to not be able to concentrate.

    You are feeling locked away and isolated from my point of view.

    Try supressing your feelings. This will cause you to not think about these things

  8. I am know doctor...

    But to me it sounds like Bi-Polar disorder.

    You're depressed,

    no attention span,



    It could be that.

    Good luck!

  9. go to a doctor.. you may be depressed and you may also have MONO!  Ha ha i know this sounds weird but when my sister had mono she was horribly tired and had awful mood swings. and it sounds like your just the right age for it :) ya just it time for school... keep your head up!

  10. You may be starting a depressive episode. Please see a psych doctor. Do not let this go untreated.

  11. maybe u have ADD

  12. You may be hitting puberty or you just need a nap.Try talking to someone close to you and eat some nice warm soup.(soup makes me happy :D)



    You may have depression.

    Go to your doctor and check out this artical.

  14. I would check with doctor.

  15. It could be the most widespread, depression. Or it could be some sort of hormonal unbalance. Either way you should see a doctor if it persists.

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