
What is wrong with me? ?

by  |  earlier

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So I have been feeling a little weird for the past few weeks/months. Whenever I stand up I feel really dizzy even almost like passing out sometimes, things start to go black. Sometimes when I stand up my legs feel tingly, I thought at first I was getting up to fast but this happens every time I get up. I also have been extremely tired lately and have been having some trouble sleeping but even when I do get enough sleep I am really tired.

What is wrong with me? Why am I so dizzy?

I will be seeing a doctor on Monday but I am just trying to get some ideas before hand.




  1. Sounds like high blood pressure

  2. dehydration.

  3. It's a good thing you have an appointment set up to see a doctor. Symptoms such as these have been linked to countless ailments.

    Could be a problem with your blood sugar.  Could be some kind of virus that your body is trying to shake. Could be hormones!

    I'm sure you're thinking brain tumor, but that's highly unlikely.  

  4. Have your Dr. Check for Hypothyroidism and Addison's Disease.

    Both require a supplement to control and both cause those symptoms and more.

    Good luck!

  5. stress depression etc not eating healthy not eating enough

  6. It might be low blood sugar. Do you eat enough throughout the day?

    Also, I got really tired and dizzy when I had Mono. There are also other symptoms that go with it like sore throat, side and back pain due to enlarged spleen, and the swelling of your glands behind your ears and under your chin. It's different with everybody, and lasts for weeks. I felt the effects of it for months.

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