
What is wrong with my 13 year old daughter?

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I saw her yesterday with her friend who is a boy nad i saw them holding hands then they started kissing?!? She is 13 for god sake i mean i know the guys parents but i thought they were just friends. and if she was going out with this guy why didnt she tell me??? is this normal?




  1. oh yes.. definately normal.  why would a kid tell there parents? thats just embarassing and uncomfortable. but you better hope she aint doing anything else besides kissing! ask her about it and talk to her about the 's' word.

  2. I did this, even worse, I told mom he was g*y so she would feel comfortable dropping us off at the mall, skating rink, etc, when we were "dating".  

  3. There is something very wrong with your daughter- it's called "13" or some times known as hormones.  I am sure she didn't tell you because 1.  you would never understand what it's like to be 13 (considering you were never 13 once!). 2. You are her mom.  You are probally the last person she wants to confide in, again because you have no idea what it's like to be 13!!!!  Isn't funny how us adults went from being kids to adults over night!

  4. yes it is normal im 14. there is always a place where a parent doesnt get involved in a teenage daughters life.she will come to you and tell you want she wants you to know.

  5. there is nothing wrong with your child. She is growing up. It is called hormones

  6. sadly yes.  i'm 20 so it hasn't been TOO long since i've been 13.  and when i was 13 i thought boys were cute, but me and my friends were way to scared to actually try something with them.  but i've noticed with my younger cousins, who are around the same age as your daughter, that the fear of trying those things with guys almost doesn't exist anymore!  who or what is to blame??  i honestly don't know.  but younger kids are growing up at a much faster rate than most people older than me and around my age.  As for her not telling you, that's completely normal too.  I kept a lot of secrets from my mom because i felt that if she did know everything that i went through she would somehow find a way to turn the conversation into a lecture and that was the last thing i wanted.  your best bet would be to just casually talk with her and make sure she knows that you're going to be cool with whatever she may come up to you with.  no matter how much you may disagree with it or maybe not even understand it.  if she wants to kiss this boy it's going to happen.  so at least try to be a part of it and let her know that she can tell you everything and you're not going to punish her.

  7. were they at 1st base or just smooching on the lips? If just smooching, then that's fine, but anything else I would say no. Its completely normal for her to not tell you, you're her mom, you're not cool like her friends are!! ;)

    Good luck!!

  8. Oh it is defiantly normal!

    You just need to be CALM and talk to her.

  9. It's normal. Kids dont tell their parents everything. Her reasons probably were that she either thought you wouldnt aprove or that if she did tell you you would watch them like a hawk, and in her mind she technically wasnt lieing so she wouldnt feel gulity, At least those were my reasons when i was that age. now i'm older i dont exactly agree with the idea of young girls kissing and what not knowing kissing and time alone leads to all sorts of things, but it happens. Just have a chat, do yell or anything tell her you wish she would have told you, and since she is seeing him (if you forbid it it will only make the whole situation of hiding it more appealing, think romeo and juliette) there will ahve to be rules that go with it.

  10. im 22 years old i have 2 children 13 and 8. when i was 13 i kissed a boy and my parents caught me i got punished real bad. they took of my door and i had to change in front of my brothers and sisters i had to kneel down on dry rice i had to face the wall i had to do stuff like i was in boot camp i had to clean the whole house and had to do every thing i couldn't do anything.

    every day i had to do this for 2 month es

    my parents take me to school pick me up

    when i come home do homework 30 min

    shower 10 min

    eat 20 min

    wash dishes 10 min

    clean the whole house 2 hours

    eat  20 min

    wash dishes 10 min

    read 2 hours

    write an essay in an half hour

    unpack and pack my draw es in my room 10 times 45 min

    eat 20 min

    wash dishes 10 min

    tack out trash 5 min

    go to bed 9:30

    my parents did that to me and i had an hard time

    i remembered what hey did to me cause i wrote it down when i was little i could only eat healthy stuff and fruits and every thing i never liked fruit es.i think u should do this to your child.good Luke ember it worked for me. but i got married very young.22 got 2 kids 13 and 8.

  11. Normal. Kissing is fine at 13, as long as there's no s*x.

    She probably didn't tell you because girls get awkward and don't want to be questioned like "who is he?" "when did you start dating?" "are you having s*x?".

    But, don't worry, its 100% normal.

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