
What is wrong with my 14 y/o daughter?

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She is obsessed with animals like foxes, German Shepherds and the like. She has drawings of them all over her room (including some that look sexually suggestive to me) wears a fox tail around the house when her friends are over and more.

Her friends even make outfits to emulate animals and "play" foxes and dogs on sleepovers.

What's worse, is when that stupid infomercial comes on where the cartoon fox is selling some sort of "get rich scheme" on tv, she barks out YIP! or Yiff or some such non-sense and wants to go visit the zoo every weekend!???

What is wrong with my daughter????




  1. maybe she IS a fox.

  2. um weird.....

  3. Better to be obsessed with foxes then with boys.....

  4. talk to her.  just tell her not to be embarrased, or else she may lie

  5. have you ever thought about therapy?

  6. I think she is just very strongly obsessed. alot of kids around dat age r obssesed wit somthin. and if she gets more obssesed then u should tell her 2 lay of the foxes and dogs 4 a bit. bcuz its unhealthy

  7. Shes very immature not to be mean, im 14 and havent done that sence i was 5, but as long as noone is picking on her because of it and shes happy i dont think you should care~xoxo ally* me for best answer!!!

  8. sit down and calmy talk to her and say you found the pictures on the computer.

  9. She sounds like she will end up starring in some bestiality video!

    For heavens sake, don't leave her alone with the family dog.

    Thankfully she hasn't discovered donkeys yet, or she might end up in Neuvo Laredo in a "donkey show"

  10. i think she might have a huge fetish with foxes...

    like even sexually.

    her friends may have gotten her into it as well.

    this is very odd.

    i think you should talk to her about it.

    ask her why she likes them so much.

    and why she does the things she does.

    i think she will give you the most clearest answer.

  11. its outcasts, like her, that obsess over 'anime' and sh*t.

    but i really dont know if this is a serious question though.... so im not going to waste my time.

  12. Girl what is wrong with your daughter? I think she needs a life.

  13. IM 14. and idk maybe its wat she watches on tv. thats strange.

  14. shes an animail lover

    but to much of one

    and is going crazy

  15. Does she have a church or someplace to go where people can get these things off her mind? Sounds like it's taking over her life. The pics are just WRONG.

  16. well obviously...she is obsessed with foxes. Weird, I would think if she likes those animals she wouldn't be wearing a foxes tail. I hope it is fake. Have you asked her why she likes foxes so much? Maybe her friends have something to do with it.

    Either way it isn't a big deal, she isn't doing any harm. Soon she may grow out of it, or she will get a job at the zoo. Who knows.

  17. Maybe she just likes animals a lot.

  18. ahh i dont know is she crazy sorry about that but what else can be

  19. She could be into much worse things. I would discuss your concerns with your pediatrician, maybe she is acting out for a reason.

  20. take her to a psychologist

  21. nothing

    shes jsut fooling around

  22. just an obsession, she'll get over it

    EDIT: OK, thats.... different...

    I'd talk to her and maybe give her some counseling.

    still, she'll get over it eventually

  23. she needs help

  24. I think she is really a fan of them

    it is just crush maybe..

    me too sometimes

    if I like something

    I used to draw them, I want to see them

    i really idolize them.

    like me, i love some pets

    it is just like when you are idolizing

    some artist in television,

    like me i love those dancers in our

    country, i always imitating them

    and i really love them

    whenever they perform

    I make sure that i watch them.

    and It is also like when you have

    crushes, you always want to see him or her

    it is normal

  25. Is she severely autistic?

  26. Nothing.

  27. The drawings are the only main concern it seems, she'll get over the obsession.  Those are REALLY nice drawings, she is a great artist.  But I don't know why they are sexual...

    If she doesn't know you've seen the sexual ones, don't tell her you saw them.  I'd just leave her be, she probably wouldn't want you to know anyways.

  28. well first i would talk to her and then have her see a counselor. sometimes teens throw themselves into their own world because of several reasons, not enough attention, abuse, bullying, and more. talk to her teachers and school counselor to see how she acts there. if its just at home maybe it is an attention getting thing. i would be happy though that she is just into animals and not something more serious like drugs or boys.

  29. that is sorta wierd

  30. Google the terms "furry" and "Furry Culture" and you'll learn all you need to know.

  31. PIX PLZ

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