
What is wrong with my 360? I can't send out.........?

by  |  earlier

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any messages....I can receive them & comments..when I try to reply to a message,it takes me too>>Sorry, the page you requested was not found....

.I have less than 100 messages in my mailbox & sent messages,,so I know it is not full....Thanks for any Help....




  1. I got your e-mail...sometimes it just says that...that's Yahoooo for I was trying to figure out the best way to answer your

  2. This is a recent serious glitch. The timing various from person to person. Please see Answerer #1 here for tips and information on this issue:;...

  3. this happens everyday here in the uk, from 4pm till 5pm

    you cant send messages and sometimes cant see them, comments go all funny and seem not to be there ....flippin yahoo....all we can do is wait untill 5pm to start using it again.

    :) :)

  4. This is happening to everyone. This is because of Yahoo making the transition to the new network. This may be the cause of most of the bugs on everything in Yahoo. Just like photos in Q&A, where they will need to change the 360 photo to the new network photo. So things are topsy turpy right now. The most we can do is try to work around the bugs a little longer.

    Hopefully not for long. l visit that same page a hundred times a day it seems. Even when l try to post a answer to someone's question.

    But when l try later, then it works. So we need to try doing things again and wait, this is a come and go bug.

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