
What is wrong with my Digestive System?

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For the past 2 years or so I've started to have problems with my digestive system and I have no idea why. I used to be able to eat and drink whatever I wanted without any worries.

Here are the things that are wrong with me:

- I've become Lactose Intolerant so obviously foods made with regular whole milk is a no-no for me.

-Any type of drink with too many preservatives makes me get heart burn and I get bloated.

-Anything with too much sugar (foods, drinks, candy, ice pops) gives me heart burn also.

-I can't eat too much food at a time because I get bloated. Because of this, I have to eat like 5 times a day.

-The only beverages I can really drink is water and Lactaid milk and tea.

So basically now I can only drink or eat stuff that have no preservatives or sugar in them!

Should I go to the Doctor? Is this not natural? I do have to mention that this started when I had to change schools (stress) but I'm over it and I'm completely happy with myself.




  1. Yes. You should see a doctor.  Sometimes these symptoms can come from reflux which has recently been found to be a risk for esophageal cancer if not treated.  You might also want to try some acid reducer such as Tagamet (aka Cimetidine) sold OTC.  Take only as directed.  See if it helps.  Even if it helps, still see a doctor.  He may want to get an upper endoscopy on you to make sure you don't have any erosive process that needs a stronger medication.  There are other GI problems that can cause this, so see a doctor soon.

  2. I'd go to the doctor. It doesn't seem like this is normal. However lots of sugar, preservatives and all that other junk in processed foods isn't really good for ANYONE to eat, so maybe you need to try a healthier diet for a while.

  3. you admit that "this started when I had to change schools (stress)"

    is it really over? you know that stress can cause many physical problems especially gastrointestinal. but the remedy is simple enough

    Believe you're healthy and and do not complain. Complaining means you pay too much attention to minor disturbances and forget God's blessings

  4. I had that problem once.  I went to the doctor and got no result.  So I had to find a remedy of my own.  Like my mother you might think I'm crazy, but this was what helped me.

    I went on 4 days of pure fresh raw fruits, nuts, raisins, and water.

    This is how I did it.  First thing in the morning I'd have a glass of orange juice followed by a bowl of mixed fruits.  Water in between.  Then 2 hours later I'd have some mixed nuts and raisins.  There was a health shop near to where I worked that sold mixed nuts with raisins.  I would buy a large pack each day and eat.  Later in the day I'd have fruits again and mixed nuts, water in between.  The raisins and nuts created a crave for water so I drank more than the suggested amount of 10 glasses. After 4 days I noticed that my stomach had improved.

    Stress might be the initial cause of your problem, however your diet might have contributed to it.

    You are bloated because your food is not digesting fast enough.  Your digestive system is too acidic.  (The optimum pH range for human tissues is between 7.35 to 7.45)  It is this acidity that is causing the burning and indigestion problem.  You need to have more alkali forming foods in your diet.

    Whither you decide to try what I did or not, your meals should mostly be looking like these:

    1). A meal consisting of of meat or fish,

    1 or 2 complex carbohydrate (eg. yam, potatoes, pumpkin etc)

    a mixture of raw vegetables, (eg. lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, broccoli, yellow or red sweet pepper, shredded carrots)

    varied mixture of steam vegetables (eg a leafy vegetable and/or string beans, or a vegetable salad)

    If you'd like to add drink - preferably vegetable juice.

    2). Another is a mixture of different fruits with nuts and seeds

    3). Another is a mixture of different raw vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

    You should be eating more of the alkaline forming foods. The following will give you a list of acid forming foods and alkaline forming foods.

    The following will give you more explanation about alkali forming foods:

    And since you have a food sensitive problem, you should detox at least 2 times per year.  The system I use is ParaCleanse & BotanaCleanse.  This system mobilizes and flushes out parasites as well as toxin in your digestive system.  (Parasite infestation also contributes to allergies)  It also carries a pro-biotic at the end which helps to restore the pH of the digestive system.

    Please do not eat fruits with any other food or within an hour before or after any other meal.  You should be eating fruits as a meal.  The same thing goes for fruit drink.

  5. Apart from the lactose intolerance I think it is likely that you have Irritable bowel syndrome commonly known as IBS this can be improved with diet moderation. by the way you can know buy a lot of products that are lactose free  definitely lactose free milk.  I recommend Goats milk it acquirededd taste however millions of people love it and I believe it  taste a lot better  than  soya milk which is another alternative.  I recommend you go to the doctor to have some test the doctor will then refer you to a nutritionist

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