
What is wrong with my Jaw.... please help?

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What have I done to my Jaw?

A while ago it started clicking when i opened my mouth or moved it side to side then wednesday i opened it and it locked then thursday evening it locked again and it hurt after wards for a while it has locked three more times today (friday) and is constantly clicking when i move it and also hurts a bit

recently it has started with a grinding/grating noise when i move my jaw sideways as well as a popping sort of clicking noise but i can open it as wide as usual it used to just be n the left side but today i have noticed aching and grinding on the right side of my jaw too.

i was thinkng it culd be my wisdom teeth but it didnt start off as a tooth or mouth ache but since last nite my right back tooth started aching and my whole jaw aches now but not all the time just from time to time. When i eat chewy or soft foods it clicks and sumtims locks.

also when pressure is applied to tmj joint and i try to open it it locks. also hen i look down and try to open it it locks.

anyone know what culd be wrong?

also where do i go to se whats wrong with it its not an emergency so not hospital so doctors or dentist ?

any help wuld be realli appreciated

thanks xx




  1. i have the same problem and i'm 15.  idk what causes it but i would go to a doctor because your jaw is a bone.  dentists deal with teeth and dental problems.  

  2. u really need to go to the dr. it souinds like ur jaw is wanting to lock up!

  3. You should have gone to see your doctor b4 typing all these

  4. It sounds like TNJ. You can get it buy suffering a jaw injury. It's pretty common. If you have it there's not much you can do.

    for more info you can go to:

  5. You might be grinding your teeth in your sleep. A lot of people do it and it causes stuff like you explained. The only reason why I know that I grind my teeth is because my husband heard me doing it at night. You can but a night guard at wal-mart for about $3o. However my denstist sd he didn't think they were too good and you can get one customed made at the densist for about $200 and it takes 2 weeks to come in. You can look up TMJ on the internet to find other reasons why your jaw might be locking up. Good luck :)

  6. I heard about this thing once, that if you get rust/rusty things into your blood stream,

    it locks your jaw


    see a Doc

    gooood luck!!


  7. do you chew a lot of gum?

    you could be developing jaw arthritus.

    if problems persist i would recommend you see your gp


  8. im not a doctor lol

  9. Sounds like lock jaw due to wisdom teeth If your younger then say 25 and they are bothering you. You should go see a dentist.

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