
What is wrong with my Lawn (PICS)?

by  |  earlier

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Most of my lawn is green but this particular area on it has these brown/patching areas (notice the moss thingy in one of the pix and how my main lawn is green except for that area) ... take a look at these pictures and give me your analysis:

Some fact:

- Lawn is watered

- Lawn is fertilized

Could there be an insect problem underneath?

Is the grass in those browning areas dead because its been raining (and ive been watering) and it remains brown :(




  1. well that is a problem. Your first pic show's what looks like grass mold which is remedied by a fungicide. I can't tell about the other spots but if there is mold present in all the areas its a safe bet that is your problem. You can buy the fungicide at most home centers.

  2. throw some weed -n- feed on it. if that doesnt work then try a coctail of fungasides and insectides

  3. yea its grubs  

    treat the whole lawn when you do not just the spots

  4. Do you or your neighbors have a dog? I'm thinking they might be relieving himself on your grass

  5. We had that same problam the dogs was releveing hemself in some of the spots. And then agean it could the ground is to hard and the seed, fertilizer are any thing is able to tack hold. (befor the birds get it.) Try loseing the ground just a little and seed & fertilizing it.

    Good Luck.

  6. You may have two problems.

    Fisrt is brown patch - treat with a fungicide and insure you are not watering after sunset - don't put your grass to bed wet.

    Second may be grubs or other insects - Dig in the area and see if there are any grubs - for surface insects, take a coffee can and cutr out the bottom. Push the can into the ground about an inch. Pour in a solution of Lemon Joy soap (1 tablespoon) to a gallon of water (You can use other dish soaps, lemon joy works best). Let it sit for a few seconds. If there are any surface insects they will come to the surface.

    Treat with an insecticide.

    But my guess from the pics is Brown Patch fungus.

  7. here's a helpful website...

    check out the 'frog eye'....

    as far as treatment, I know Bayer is used by the landscape team at the retirement village near us... took their tour and saw it in the sheds!!.... they have great grass!!...

    beyond what you see here, take those pics to your Master Gardeners at the County extension  office.... they'll have someone really knowledgeable about lawn care to help you further....

  8. I have had a look at your extesive presentation of pictures. The patches are not "a complete circle, rather horse-shoe shaped, so I have eliminated a similar indication of infection whose name escapes me, which has complete circles of brown dead grass. No, I can only guess that this could be the larvae of the "Crane Fly", namely the leather jacket. From early Summer onwards they will be busy chewing on the roots, any soft roots in this case your grass roots. Now if this is the case the way to get rid of them without chemicals is to spread a black plastic cover over the patch, make sure you anchor it, and in the morning remove it, Preferably as early as possible after dawn, You will find that they all have come to the surface, and will be breakfast for spiders, starlings and other natural predators. I would say this would be a well worthwhile experiment. Happy gardening

  9. Dead grass, you need the help of a landscaping company pronto!

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