
What is wrong with my bass clarinet?

by  |  earlier

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My low B key and B flat key go down when I press one of them They are not both supposed to go down. I tried putting paper, pressing down, and pulling the paper out, but all that did was make them less sticky... Can someone please tell me what is wrong? I have district coming up in a few months and I can't practice with this messed up instrument!




  1. im not sure.. usually that paper trick works. that happened to my clarinet and it had to be sent in to work done on it, and i got it back in about a not sure what else to tell you.

  2. What do you mean your "low B key?"  Do you mean your middle line "B"... the right/left "B" and alternate "Bb"?

    Most likely it's a spring or a bent rod... the problem is that on bass clarinet, the keys are so long that they are bent easily (as are the rods they pivot on)- mostly when being stored in the case or being assembled!

    Usually, I would talk you through how to repair your instrument, but if you're talking the long keys, the best thing to do is to take it into the shop... it may take them a week, but they should be able to give you a loaner while they work on it.  

    Also, the paper thing you tried is for when one pad is sticky... if you push a key and more go down then are supposed to, it's not a sticky pad problem.

    Sorry I couldn't be more help... but I would get it to the shop quick- playing on a busted horn won't help you practice!  Good luck!  :)

  3. Check to make sure none of the springs have slipped out of place....Just look for any problems close to the area of the keys...

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