
What is wrong with my black bear hamster?

by  |  earlier

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My black bear hamster has two red bald spots on each side of his body. They are in the middle on the side. He also itches the two spots alot. His butt grew bigger and he has been making a hissing noise lately. Today, he laid on his side making this hissing sound for about ten minutes. What is wrong with my hamster?




  1. OMG my black bear hamster is doing the same thing and has the same marks but one is by his eye i can't figure out what is wrong with him he is only 1 and i have been trying to find out what is going on also i fed him 3 days ago and there is still food in his bowl if you find out whats the problem please tell me if i figure it out before you i will tell you

    please and thanks yous


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