
What is wrong with my body? could i be pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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well my periods are very irregular, so i don't know when i'm ovulating. i just got off my period a week ago but the weird thing about it is that my period lasted for like 12 days straight when normally it lasts about 4-5 days. i kinda stopped bleeding on the 10th day (or so i thought) but when i wiped it was still bright red. now my b***s are really sore. A WHOLE WEEK LATER! could i be preg or did i maybe have a miscarriage?




  1. Well speaking from personal exsper. you would know if you had a miscarrige.The pain is unbearable.

    You body probally just finished up. I call it afterblood. Blood that just didn't clear out. No big deal really. Happens to alot of people I know

  2. i would go to the doctor.  you could have had a miscarriage or (its unlikely because of all the bleeding) you could be pregnant.  either way you need to be checked out.  if your b***s are sore that means something is still going on with your hormones and if you are already irregular its time to figure out what it going on with your body.

  3. I would go to the doctors

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