
What is wrong with my bromeliad pups?

by  |  earlier

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I've had a guzmania bromeliad for over a year now. I've cut off the dying flower and it has produced several pups. Almost fifteen. I seperated the first batch and potted them up.

They did well for awhile but the third leaf set inward broke near the base while still wrapped up and choked all the new growth so that it wrinkled and basically never opened up any more than that.

I figured I separated them from mom too soon so I let all the new pups stay on the plant. But they're the same size as the first batch was and they're doing the same exact thing. They're wrinkling up and choking the inner growth. I opened the outer leaves and saw that the third to fifth leaf set in were cut off close to the base.

I've got five more babies shooting out of momma and I don't want them failing like all the others. What am I doing wrong?




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  2. Here is the information I have though I have not divided any of mine yet.

    Every bromeliad leaf has a bud or "eye" at its base that is a potential plant. Some of these eyes develop into shoots, offshoots, or "pups" about the time the plant begins to flower.

    In order to propagate a plant from offshoots, remove the pups when they are a quarter to one-half the size of the parent, depending on the variety.

    The pup is ready to leave home when its base is no longer soft and tender and has become hard and firm.

    Use a sterile blade to cut the pup off as close to its parent as possible. If it is an important plant, dip the cut ends in fungicide and rooting hormone before potting.

    Pot it up, centering the pup in the pot and making sure you do not set it too deeply into the mix.

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