
What is wrong with my cat!? ?

by Guest63294  |  earlier

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Why does my cat pee on plastic all the time, and how do I get him to stop!?

I have 2 cats - one is more territorial than the other, and he is the one who pees on plastic!

I don't think it is a territory issue though, because he always pees on PLASTIC! (and sometimes furniture)

(Both cats ARE neutered)

I also have 2 litterboxes that are cleaned almost daily, so I don't think it's an issue of cleanliness...

So... what would this be!!??

Please, I need some suggestions so I can get him to stop peeing on furniture and plastic! And, how can I get rid of the smell!?

I REALLY don't want to get rid of him, I love him soo much!!

I will choose best answer & any other answers will be greatly appreciated!





  1. If it isn't a territory issue the only other serious thing it could be is a UTI or crystals in his urine. Crystals sometimes form in a cats urine and can block the urethra of males eventually, but either of these things make it painful when the cat urinates. Cats will associate the pain of urination with the place of urination (litterbox) and thus avoid it and try to go other places. It may not be a worry (your cat could just have a plastic fetish) but keep a close eye that he continues to urinate, watch for behavior of going to the litterbox or anywhere and appearing as thoug he will go but not going, blood in the urine, or very small frequent amounts of urine. Cats often show no other signs of the illness until it is too late. If that is it it is easily cured by feeding them special food. Most carpet cleaning products, and pet stores sell cleaning products specifically for cat urine cleanup(ie:Natures Miracle). Look for the word enzyme or enzymatic on the bottle as theses cleaners will actually eliminate and kill the bacteria and enzyme in urine that causes the odor, unlike other cleaners that just cover up the smell for a while and then it comes back. Good luck, hope its nothing.

  2. Sounds like he is marking his territory...I think all cats pee on all humans sit on commodes!

  3. some cats just do this with certain things. my mother in laws cat still pees on leather and plastic. just try to keep plastic away and get some repellent for the furniture.

  4. well, for a short term fix to keep him from peeing in the spot again & get the smell out, use a vinegar(1part) and water(2-3parts) mix & spray it there.

    for the long term, i don't know, i'm sorry.

    I hope you find an answer.

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