
What is wrong with my dog?????

by  |  earlier

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My dog is acting weird:

1) When i go to touch her collar (Its not to tight) she tried to bite me. SHE NEVER BITES!!!

2) when i feel her stomach she has a tiny bebe sized lump (it kinda feels like a bebe too) on he lower stomach

3) She's acting all disturbed, just like.... weird. She isnt acting like herself

On the other hand, my OTHER dog is absolutely fine. He's his normal self.

Whats up with her?




  1. Please take her to a very. She obviously is trying to tell you something is physically wrong. Don't ignore her.

  2. Ok, so I'm not a vet so I can't diagnose your dog but I definitely advise you to get your dog to a vet NOW.

    If you want me to guess...there are several things that it could be, is it possible she is pregnant?  Also, I don't want to scare you, but could the lump be a tumor?

    I really don't know though, and I wish you the best of luck with her.


    i think something is bad is happening to her :P

  4. maybe your dog is emo

    i wish i had an emo dog all my dog want to do is have fun and play outside

  5. she may have a sore on her neck. also the lump on her belly, is it an open wound? if not it could be a tumor or even cancer. but im not sure. the best thing to do is take her to the vet. also you can research the breed medical history of what could happen or what to look for. and if she is a mix breed dog look up both breeds of dogs. just go to google and type medical history of boxer dogs for example. hope to have helped you a little. hope your dog will be alright

  6. When a dog acts as yours is now, it is almost certainly a medical problem. Dogs will not show injury or illness unless they are almost dead.  Not sure if the biting has anything to do with the bump on her lower tummy, but both need to be evaluated.  I hope it works out at the vet.  7 years old is middle aged unless she's a great dane or other very large dog.  So hopefully the vet will be able to diagnose the problem.  It's good for you to recognize the odd behavior so your dog can be helped.

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