
What is wrong with my eye ?

by  |  earlier

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So there's something wrong with my eye haha I think it might just be that i have a lazy eye and never noticed it before but I'm not sure. On one of my eyes, the eye lid like comes down and covers half my pupil, so you can only see half of it, and then my other eye, you can see my whole pupil. But that's not it... the eye where you can see my whole pupil is always watering, some days A LOT, somedays just a little bit when i wake up. And it always stings, i've tried eye drops but they don't do anything. Also, in that same eye, it's a lot blurier than the other eye.

Please heeeelllppp!!!!




  1. That sounds a little bit like lazy eye, but i'm not a doctor or anything. If it gets any worse, see a doctor about it.

  2. im not sure how you spell, it but i think you have a "sti." again not sure if thats the correct spelling.

    you have to got to the doctor to get a perscription ointment that you put in your eyes, that will heal it

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